2012 Book List

This past year, I came up with the crazy goal to read 1 book a month. It’s not super crazy when you think about goals other people make. But it was definitely a stretch for me. However, I did it! (and you can see the book reviews here) And I am sooo glad I made the goal in the first place. I never would have read that much if I had not set the goal.

I’m ready for another round. Last year, I gave you this big list of books I planned to read. And you know what? I started reading some of them and found them to be slightly boring. So, I decided to stop reading them and read something else.

Usually, I have this “finish the book” policy even if I decide I don’t like it after the first chapter. But my hubby has reminded me time and again (whatever that phrase means) that there are millions of books in the world – why read a dud?

With that in mind, here’s my book list for 2012. No promises to read these exact books, though. 🙂

But wait. I should probably add that I’m not recommending the books listed below. I can’t recommend them because I’ve never read them. I’ll let you know how they are after I’ve finished reading them.

  1. Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches by Rachel Jankovic
  2. Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Fitzpatrick, Thompson, & Tchividjian
  3. The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
  4. Relationships: A Mess Worth Making by Tim Lane & Paul Tripp
  5. Teach Them Diligently by Lou Priolo
  6. Instructing a Child’s Heart  by Tedd Tripp
  7. Heaven at Home: Establishing and Enjoying a Peaceful Home by Ginger Plowman
  8. The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer
  9. A Mother’s Heart: A Look at Values, Vision, and Character for the Christian Mother by Jean Fleming

At this point, I’m not sure about the last 3 books. I just read over my list and realized that almost every book I’ve listed is written about being a mom.

Hmmm…guess where I spend most of my time???

I would also love to read books on other topics too. Like some biographies, books on marriage, finances, running, home decor, cooking… (gotta be honest – not really interested in the finances topic (which is why I never finished this book this year…ahem), but I suppose it would be good for me to read a book about it. I just let my hubby handle the finances. He’s glad to do it and I’m glad to let him. If he ever asks me to do it, then maybe I’ll be more interested in reading a book about it.)

If you have any great books you’ve read or heard about, I’d love to know. I’m always looking for great book suggestions to put in my amazon wishlist. Love that feature!


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11 responses to “2012 Book List”

  1. Chelo @ Home and Bahay Avatar
    Chelo @ Home and Bahay

    Seth and I read “Relationships: A Mess Worth Making” and I remember really liking it. I’d like to read it again. Have you read any of John Bingham’s books? I’ve skimmed through “Run Like a Mother” but haven’t read it in entirety. Your list looks pretty good. Looking forward to reading the reviews on these 🙂

  2. Chelo @ Home and Bahay Avatar
    Chelo @ Home and Bahay

    Ooops. John Bingham’s books doesn’t include “Run Like a Mother”. That’s a totally different author(s).

  3. Loving the Little Years is on MSM’s list too.

    I have read “Hidden Art of Homemaking” – I think it was assigned during college. And I want to say I enjoyed it! Hmmm… maybe since I can’t remember it I should add it to my list and re-read it. 🙂

    Working on my list too. Do you buy/own all your books or get some of them from the library?

    I have a bookshelf full of ones I have gotten over the years cause they were recommended, I wanted to read them, etc. but never did. So think I will start with those. 🙂

  4. I think this is an awesome list! Many of them are goals of mine for this next year as well… and are books I’ve heard wonderful things about. I look forward to reading your reviews!

  5. Deb Westbury Avatar
    Deb Westbury

    When I home schooled my DD(she is almost 21)…my reading habits changed…yes I read all the books I could find on doing the best I could do for her with home schooling…but I also found that I needed to read for me…but my own reading habits changed…I could finish a romance novel in an hour…but now found they were no longer interesting…I now read who did it, murder mysteries…I love J.D. Robb, Mary Higgins, and more along that line…They make me use my brain in a different way…

  6. oh, and the Total Money Makeover is soooo good! 😉 On my list to read again this year since we are really working on some big financial goals. 🙂 But you know, I do the bill paying and finances, so maybe that is why it was interesting to me 🙂 Although David and I both talk about it. I was reading the book on a trip we took this past year and even read chapters to him so we could discuss it.

    Maybe Money Saving Mom’s book would be more interesting for you! 🙂

  7. All of those books sound great! I’m looking forward to reading your reviews on them. 🙂

    One book I read this past year that was very challenging and convicting is Sacred Influence by Gary Thomas.

  8. Sounds like a good list! I’ve heard GREAT things about Give them Grace. Really want to read that one…

  9. your share button covers up all the words on the left side, makes it hard to read the blog..otherwise might be interested.

  10. Whoops! 😛 Thanks for letting me know, Mary!!

  11. […] along with being inspired to set goals in 2012, I have been inspired and challenged by my friend Christa at Brown Sugar Toast to set a goal to read this year.  I LOVE to read!  Growing up, my aunt (a school teacher) […]