what’s in my library bag

As I’m writing this post, I currently have 53 items checked out from the library. One of those is an overdue book which we have not been able to locate for approximately 2 weeks: The Magic School Bus Takes a Dive. Fie on thee, lost book.

I would not expect you would want to see the entire contents of my library bag. However, I thought I’d share just 6 items I’m most interested in reading and perusing:

what's in my library bag?

  1. Spark Joy

I snagged this book because it’s written by the author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (which I also read & reviewed). Because I benefited organization-wise from reading her first book, I’m looking forward to delving into Marie Kondo’s second work as well.

2. The Songs of Jesus

This book is a 365 day devotional through the Psalms, so I don’t plan on reading it in its entirety. But I wanted to check it out because I’ve so enjoyed some of Keller’s other books, namely The Prodigal God & The Meaning of Marriage.

3. Behind the Curtain

Believe it or not, I actually began reading this book during an incredibly long wait for a doctor’s appointment last week. Written by an ER doctor who’s treated over 75,000 patients, this book has been both humorous and sobering. My favorite humorous + gross account so far is this bit on extracting cockroaches from a person’s body:

“The screaming begins once the patient sees what was inside them; you’d think they’d turn away.
That’s usually followed by them slapping their head as if something’s still inside them, with a request to recheck. It all gets better after about ten minutes.”

Ugh. Cannot even imagine the grossness level. He ends the chapter with “How do you go back to sleep after that?” Indeed, I know not.

4. The Wright Brothers

The sole reason I checked this book out is because it landed on this list. I’ve got to be honest, it’s not super intriguing to me, so I have yet to crack the cover. Meh – I’ve still got it for a few weeks. Maybe I’ll get to it before then. If not, no biggie.

5. The Inspired Room

I’ve heard such good things about this book written by Melissa Michaels. My friend Christina even did a 31 day series based off of Michaels’ first book, Love the Home You Have. I just started browsing through it this week while we were driving to my Grandma’s funeral. The photography is lovely & the tips are perfect for anyone, no matter your budget. I’m looking forward to finishing it.

6. Precision Toning

This DVD has been really good + hard. 15 minutes of a targeted workout and it leaves me feeling sore in a really good way. I really love how it’s only 15 minutes. Not great if you’re going for weight loss, but pair it with some cardio and you’re golden. I first heard about Tracy Anderson from Lindsey and this is the first workout I’ve tried from her. I must say, I enjoy TA’s approach much more than Killian, errr…Jillian.


Are you a library fan? What have you been reading lately?

what's in my library bag?