Tutorials Galore

I am so excited to introduce a new “feature” of this site. This is something I’ve wanted for a long time and have even attempted different things, but things always ended up worse on the computer than in my head.

Drumroll, please….

I present to you an updated Tutorial Page! One where you can just scroll through and see all the tutorials I’ve done at a glance instead of scrolling through a bajillion posts to find what you want. I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, but just to make sure it’s as easy as possible for you to access, just follow these steps:

1. When you come to the site, you’ll see different tabs under my header image. Click on the one named, “Tutorials.”


2. That will bring you to this page. For now, I plan to put my newest tutorials at the top, so we’ll see how that works in real life.


3. An extra detail: just hover over any of the pictures to see a description of the tutorial. See in this one below – I hovered over the picture and the title “Happily Ever After DIY Canvas” came up. Just another thing that will hopefully make things easier for you to find.


If you have any issues accessing any tutorials or come up with an idea that would make things easier, do let me know! I am sooo not tech savvy, but between some determination + internet searches, I can usually figure out minor bug issues.

Feel free to share or pin the graphic below!

tutes banner



One response to “Tutorials Galore”

  1. easier to comment! 🙂