Tag: tutorials

  • DIY :: picture holder from a large frame

    DIY :: picture holder from a large frame

    Several months ago, a friend of ours moved away to New Jersey. She was on her way to donate some home decor items and asked if I wanted to shop her car before she left. One of the things inside her lovely “car shop” was this large 2′ x 4′ picture. When she asked Jonathan…

  • DIY World Map Wall Art

    DIY World Map Wall Art

    Oh, by the way, we painted a world map on our wall. I debated about even posting this home tidbit, because: 1) We did this over a year ago (right before Miles was born) & 2) I had a hard time taking a good picture of the room. But I figured this might be an inspiration to…

  • chalkboard art, imitation, and husbands

    chalkboard art, imitation, and husbands

    Several months ago, my husband and I built a massive chalkboard for our kitchen. I believe this was the first time I revealed it to the world via social media. The construction of it was quite an adventure. As was the transportation of the large piece of MDF via our car which was already filled…

  • I’m In a Book. NBD.

    I’m In a Book. NBD.

    I’m in a published book. So yeah. Wait, what? Ah yes. All the rumors you’ve heard about my increasing rise to popularity, fame, and great wealth are true. Don’t feel left out if you haven’t heard them yet. Sometimes things take a while to circulate. ANYWAY. Last week, I received a package in the mail with…

  • DIY Glitter Coasters

    DIY Glitter Coasters

    I have this little area in my room that I like to sit at each morning. Usually, I roll out of bed, throw my hair in some sort of ponytail, put on my old glasses from highschool, and stumble over to this desk. I just thought you would like a mental picture of what really goes…

  • A Springy Stenciled Doormat

    A Springy Stenciled Doormat

     I was compensated for this post, but all opinions are my own. As always. Carry on. It was about time I updated my doormat. My old mat just celebrated its 4th birthday and is beginning to feel the effects of aging. When I saw this mat at Ikea for a whopping $4.99, I decided to make it…

  • Pallet Art Tutorial

    Pallet Art Tutorial

    Approximately 6 months ago, my husband came home with a surprise for me. Namely, these pallets: I was so thrilled that I actually told you all about it here. And I also told you about some free paint from Lowe’s & random 50 cent boards I bought at Ikea. I had no idea what I…

  • Pinterest Scarf Holder {& why sometimes you should not DIY}

    Pinterest Scarf Holder {& why sometimes you should not DIY}

    I’m all about a good do-it-yourself project. And if it adds organization to my life? BRING. IT. ON. So when I saw this image on pinterest, I was like, “Yes! I need this in my life!” So I went to the store, bought a pack of shower curtain rings and set up my own personal…

  • DIY Fur Pillow

    DIY Fur Pillow

    When I showed you my new Craigslist couches, you may have noticed a few new pillows sittin’ pretty on top? The two teal-ish ones are from Marshalls. And the 2 white fur pillows are compliments of faux bunny fur & my incredible lack of sewing skills. I’ve been a fan of white furry pillows for…

  • Monogram Glitter Ornament

    Monogram Glitter Ornament

    I hope you’re enjoying this special Christmas series – “Home for the Holidays” as much as I am! Christina kicked things off with a nearly free Grapevine & Evergreen wreath and yesterday Angie created beautiful Christmas Mirror Art! Today, I’m excited to show you how you can make a lovely Monogram Glitter Ornament out of…

  • Glitter Pinecones

    Glitter Pinecones

    I was compensated for this post, but all opinions + grammatical errors are my own. Today, I have a lovely + easy tutorial for you: Glitter Pinecones! These would be perfect as a vase filler or even scattered on a pretty plate surrounding a candle. And you only need 3 things: Pinecones Paintbrush Glitter Mod…

  • Burlap Wreath Tutorial

    Hey everyone!  I am excited to be guest posting for Christa while she is enjoying some down time with her new little one.  My name is Christina and I blog at The Frugal Homemaker.com. I have a beautiful wreath project I wanted to share with you today that is easy and cheap to make and…