Category: Tutorials

  • Gallery Wall Take #2

    Gallery Wall Take #2

    Many moons ago, I had a large blank wall in my dining room. One day, I decided to change that. And so I began hanging pictures. I started with 1 big picture. And then I kept hanging more pictures around it. I didn’t have a major plan or sketch. I thought about doing that, but…

  • The Thankful Project

    The Thankful Project

    We’re doing something new during November. I’m calling it “the thankful project.” My inspiration came from this post by Emily Rose. I don’t know how I came across it, but it’s been stuck in my head for the past couple of years. I was originally going to use a tree like Emily, but after this fiasco,…

  • Well, Isn’t That Special…

    Well, Isn’t That Special…

    So, I was browsing online the other day and happened to come across this ad… See that ad from Joss & Main for those yellow chevron pillow covers? Yep, I made ’em. All by my little non-seamstress-y self. It was easy. You can do it too. Boy, it feels good to do something by yourself,…

  • This Old Box

    This Old Box

      See that mirror? It’s right above my kitchen sink. That means while I’m doing dishes, I get to look up and – “oh, hello there!” – see myself. Not real cool. See this box? I salvaged it on its’ way to the dumpster. How nice of me to adopt him into a loving home…

  • Fit to a “T”

    Fit to a “T”

    Remember last week when I revealed my Uno, Dos, Tres shelves? One of my goals for the shelving was to make it unique. I didn’t want to just put a bunch of pictures up there because I already have a bunch of pictures hanging on my gallery wall. (the one I’ve never shown you. whoops.)…

  • How to Peel a Perfect Kiwi

    Oh yes, it’s true. Perhaps it’s because my birthday was yesterday.  Maybe I’m reaching a new era of confidence. I don’t think so. Nevertheless, a couple weeks ago when I was making fruit pizza, I needed to peel quite a few kiwis. Now, in the past, I’ve always used a knife to peel off strips…

  • Mrs. Meyer’s On the Cheap

    Mrs. Meyer’s On the Cheap

    I think it was about a year ago when I first heard of Mrs. Meyer’s. Maybe it was from Nester. I can’t remember. All I know is that I was convinced I had to sniff her cleaning products the next time I went to Target. Then last year I had a life-changing experience when I…

  • Me: 1 / Sewing Machine: 0

    Me: 1 / Sewing Machine: 0

    My sewing machine and I have a love/hate relationship. Sometimes I love it. Other times I hate it. Sorta like my relationship with my workout DVDs. Anyway, I’m currently on good terms with my sewing machine and that’s because of these puppies: Yep. Many moons ago I showed you the curtains I made for my…