Category: Family

  • my greatest prayer for my children

    my greatest prayer for my children

    Last week, I sat through my church’s communion service with my 3 year old on my lap and my 5 year old next to me. Throughout the service, there were prayers, songs, and Scripture readings. My attention was divided {obviously} between engaging my mind in the service and helping my children sit still. My mind began…

  • my most favorite friday fave.

    my most favorite friday fave.

    Well, I’ve never done this before. But today’s Friday Fave is about a person. Because guys… this happened 7 years ago tomorrow (June 6). And look how we’ve grown! 3 babies later & here we are, still married and working at becoming best friends for life. I’ve learned something very important over the last year. Actually, I’m…

  • 4 TIPS :: get awesome clothes at cheap prices

    4 TIPS :: get awesome clothes at cheap prices

    Several months ago, I wrote about my desire to have an intentional closet. One of the obvious keys to an intentional closet is getting rid of clothes that don’t fit and replacing them with pieces that fit well. This takes time and money. And usually a lot of time in the fitting room. With 3 kids. Awesome.…

  • a new tradition

    a new tradition

    I’m a big fan of meaningful traditions. But sometimes it’s hard to just ‘come up with’ a great tradition to start, right? Last year, we started using a new advent with our kids. We did it in the evenings before bed and everyone loved it. We’re definitely going to use it again. But I’m also going to try…

  • pictures for daddy

    pictures for daddy

    Last week, I decided to make a collage of pictures for my hubby for Father’s Day. So, in normal fashion, I did it in the afternoon – perfect timing, of course….hottest part of the day, right before naptime…I’m brilliant, I tell you. My kids were incredible troopers and we managed to get some cute shots.…

  • it all started with a fight

    it all started with a fight

    Last week, Jonathan & I celebrated our 6th anniversary. {I shared our meeting/dating story here if you missed it!} I mentioned on instagram that we were going to have a quick 19-hour-getaway to celebrate just the two of us. The day we left, I was scurrying around tying up loose ends and getting our kids…

  • say no to drugs {especially when getting engaged}

    say no to drugs {especially when getting engaged}

    how i met and married my guy // part 5

  • say yes to gilbert

    because this week is my sixth (!!!) wedding anniversary, I’m sharing the story of how I met & married my husband. //part 1 :: love at first . . . nevermind// //part 2 :: and so I asked him out// //part 3 :: sometimes love is just awkward// part 4: Have I mentioned I hate awkward…