Category: Family

  • My Marriage Is Not Affair Proof

    My Marriage Is Not Affair Proof

    Google “How to Affair Proof Your Marriage” and you’ll end up with a slew of options, ranging in helpfulness from “Commit to honest, open communication” to “Watch out for that second or third cocktail.” My husband and I just celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary and while we don’t claim to have marriage figured out, there is…

  • Speak Life: how to deal when your children fight

    Speak Life: how to deal when your children fight

    What do you do when your children break out in a monumental war with each other? Here’s what I’ve been doing lately, based out of a verse from Proverbs…

  • When You Despise Your Season

    When You Despise Your Season

    SEASON: a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature Our seasons of life are constantly changing based on the personal, relational, spiritual and work-related details of our lives. Some days, I absolutely love my current season of life. Other times, it can feel like the longest season ever. I’ll venture to say – The longest…

  • a new phase [general life update]

    a new phase [general life update]

    We have successfully moved from Charlotte, NC to Richmond, VA. Successful = nobody died in the process. (Although we did forget to pack one entire drawer in our kitchen which housed our silverware. Whoops. We’re eating with our hands these days. Nothing out of the ordinary there.) There are a million thoughts going through my…

  • Unplanned Teaching Moments

    Last week, a friend told Jonathan and I about a conversation he had with Nate, our 5 year old: “So Nate, what do you think about moving to Virginia?” “It’s good . . . and it’s sad. But it’s what God wants us to do.” Hearing of this conversation reminded me just how important it is…