Category: Faith
The Blender, the Toaster, & the Body of Christ
Be who God made you to be. And let others be what God wants them to be.
Is God Calling Me to Obscurity or Influence?
As my Dad often said when I was growing up: “If you ask the wrong question, you’ll get the wrong answer.”
He’s Still Working on Me
God makes everything beautiful in his time. Even my heart.
Use Discretion (& a bucket)
This is not a call to stop thinking. Call out evil when and where you must. But call out the good too.
When a Pastor’s Wife Doesn’t Want to Go to Church
What happens when a pastor’s wife doesn’t want to go to church? What do I do when it’s me?
My 10 Favorite Songs of 2023
My 10 Favorite Songs of 2023
Is Jesus Your Reason for the Season?
For as much as we say Christmas is about Christ and “Jesus is the reason for the season,” we sure do a good job making it about a lot of other things. Here’s how you know if Jesus is your reason for the season:
5 Words that Calm My Anxiety
When my mind is in overdrive, here are five words that refocus and calm my anxious heart.