This post is part of a 31 Day Series during the month of October.
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You didn’t think I could do a 31 day series of blessings in disguise and not talk about my kids, did you?
In case you did…this post will prove that thought false.
I caught these pics with my phone the other day:
Anna Grace’s face is dirty with chocolate frosting from a cupcake.
Nate’s is dirty with mulch and dirt. It’s sticking to his face because he had a runny nose. {I’ll let you put those 2 things together to figure out exactly how that happened.}
Both are messy. And life frequently finds them that way. Whether from playing outside, learning to go potty, smearing peanut butter, spreading toys all over the floor, crushing crumbs in the carpet, or stashing randoms underneath their carseats…my life is full of dirty faces. And sometimes dirty everythings.
In fact, I’ve grown accustomed to people pointing out spit-up and other such niceties on my shoulders. It especially seems to happen on Sunday mornings. I’m not shocked by it anymore. Embarrassed? Yeah – I usually try to re-position the diaper bag to cover the spot until I can scrub away at it in the restroom. It just adds to the fun in my morning.
Do you want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
I don’t care. I don’t care that I wipe off dirty faces a gajillion times a week. I don’t care that my mirrors and doors have little fingerprints all over them. I don’t even care about the times where I’ve been out in public and had diapers explode onto my clothes.
Because I have kids. I have 2 beautiful children that I was privileged to carry for 9 months in my very own body. 2 babies that I get to kiss and hug on every single day.
You can’t put a price on that.
Miss a day? Click here to read all 31 Blessings in Disguise!
4 responses to “Your Face is Dirty”
so sweet!
You are blessed 
Love. As in I love you, I love the post, and I love your precious kids.
I’m with you on the messy clothes area, haha!
You are blessed, as are your precious kids.
Love it!
I’m totally not bothered by being spit all over, dirty diapers, etc. I frequently find myself thanking the Lord for them. Especially when I remember how many people would give anything to be able to give birth to and raise their own child. We are blessed beyond measure!!!
Naomi your comment was a blessing to me. I often wonder if women realize how many would give to have these “problems” in their lives.