Weakness = Strength

Have you ever experienced something that you wish would just go away?

So have I.

I think we all have, haven’t we? Whether it’s a new responsibility, troubling relationship, financial or physical difficulty, etc.

Is it possible to face a situation like this and truly see it as a blessing in disguise?

Paul went through a difficult situation and tells about it:

So to keep me from becoming conceited . . .
a thorn was given me in the flesh.

But Paul was okay with this “thorn,” wasn’t he? He just took it from the Lord and decided not to do anything about it.


Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me.

And God took it away?


But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

After that, Paul decided to quit telling people about Jesus. It was too hard. And goodness – if he was going to be treated like this after his faithful service, why bother serving?

Paul records his response:

I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses,
so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
For the sake of Christ,
then, I am content with
and calamities.
For when I am weak, then I am strong.

If only.

If only I could view life through this grid. That God uses weak and broken things. 

It is not the wise. Not the strong and mighty. Not the ones who look like they should be used that God uses.

It’s the foolish. The ones who are low and despised, even. {1 Corinthians 1:26-31}

That way, God is the only one who is praised.

Why boast in your weakness? Your presently difficult situation?

Because God chooses the weak.

Let this truth minister to your soul today – as it has to mine.

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2 responses to “Weakness = Strength”

  1. Christina Avatar

    so needed this today, Christa! thanks!

  2. Karen Eacho Avatar
    Karen Eacho

    Christa, I’ve read for awhile but never commented. You are a great blessing to me! Thanks for this reminder of what a blessing in disguise our weaknesses can be as we allow Christ to work through us.