Turn Out

This post is part of a 31 Day Series during the month of October.

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30 days ago, I started off this series with a bang. Actually, I wrote a fairly pessimistic post about the fact that I had no clue why I decided to blog for 31 days in a row. Great way to start off a Blessings in Disguise series, huh?

So, how did it turn out? Am I glad I did it? Was it truly a blessing in disguise?

I’m glad I did it. Honestly, at the beginning, I really didn’t know how I was going to find 31 blessings in disguise. That made me look pretty hard for blessings wrapped in clever disguises. And it increased my thankfulness. Just ask my husband.

I’m extra glad it’s over.  Gotta be real, folks. Writing every day for 31 days is a pretty big time commitment. I’m kinda-sorta-totally glad that today marks the end of this craziness. I’ve got a craft show on Saturday, a little guy turning 1 on Monday, a little girl turning 3 next Sunday, and a 1/2 marathon in 2 1/2 weeks. Wowie. {Wanna throw anything else in there, Christa?}

All in all? It’s been a good ride. Thanks for joining.

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Miss a day? Click here to read all 31 Blessings in Disguise!





2 responses to “Turn Out”

  1. Donna Avatar

    Congratulations! 31 Days is a huge deal. What a blessing you have been.

  2. Christa Avatar

    thanks so much, Donna!!