One of the books I read in 2011 was Til We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis.
Actually, to be completely correct, I listened to this book. I was about to go on a 4 hour drive with my little girl and wanted something to listen to while she slept. I checked around for a great book to listen to and – seeing as this is purported to be Lewis’s best work, I thought it fit the description of “a great book.”
I downloaded the book from Audible (yea for free trials!) and started to listen to it. I’ve gotta say…this post is not really a book review. It’s more like an accountability post. That is, I can’t really write a book review about this book.
“Why,” you ask?
Well, because I didn’t completely understand it. If I really needed to write a book review about it, I would need to spend more time reading it over, finding themes, and coming up with an opinion. What I did instead was to try to understand the book by reading other people’s reviews. If you are truly interested, I found several book reviews that might be of interest to you:
- The ever popular Wikipedia comes to the rescue once again
- One of the reviews on Amazon mentions that you have to read the book twice to truly understand it. Hmmm…maybe I will do that. I do hate to read a book and not be able to understand what I just spent so much time reading.
- Review by WannaBWestern
- A few favorite quotes from Kevin Stilley
So, is it a little cheap to list this book as one I read in 2011 when I didn’t completely understand it all?
Buuuuut…2011 is over and there aren’t any more chances to read for that year. So, I will definitely consider reading (or listening to) this book in the future, but until then…I’m off to read some more parenting books. 😉