2 weeks ago, I decided to take a little break from writing. It was a good time to think, pray, talk, and write things that weren’t going to be shared with the world. The results of my time away are a couple changes for this site.
Change #1: no more comments. I love comments. I really, really love them. And that’s why I feel the need to turn them off. Since that probably doesn’t make sense, let me give you a peek at a conversation that has taken place many times in my home:
Me: “Nobody’s commented on this post! But people are reading it – why aren’t they commenting?!”
Jonathan {aka husband/psychiatrist}: “Do you comment on blogs you read?”
Me: “Pretty much never.”
Jonathan: [silence]
Me: “That’s not the point!!!”
Needless to say, I place too much value on comments. And if I get none, I assume I wrote a lame post. When in reality, I rarely post comments to blogs I read, so why should I expect people to post comments on my site? I shouldn’t. But I do anyway. So I’ve decided for the mental health of myself + my patient husband that I should turn comments off. As always, if you ever want to reach out, know that you can contact me here. Just remember that I have 3 incredibly cute + needy kiddos, so my email time is quite limited.
Change #2: Grace. for myself. AKA less posts. I’m pretty motivated by goals. And when I made a goal over 3 years ago to post 3x/week, I stuck with it. It was a challenge I enjoyed & my husband encouraged me to pursue.
Now, I find myself in a different season of life. I have 3 kids as opposed to 1. I’m planning to begin preschool with my oldest in the fall. Those 2 facts {along with some other things} mean that I’m just a bit busier than when I first began blogging. Just a bit.
Over this last week, I considered whether I should stop blogging. And in talking with my husband about it, we decided that I really do enjoy writing. And it’s something I want to continue. But maybe 3x/week is a little more than I should expect of myself.
So I’m going to cut back. My goal is 1 post/week. Some weeks I’ll post more. And some weeks {like when my schedule gets crazy in the summer due to being a youth pastor family} I may not post at all. If you’re interested in reading, the easiest way to stay current is to subscribe by email. That way, you don’t have to keep coming back to check the site.
And that’s a wrap. I’ve gotta say, it feels a little bit like the end of an era. I mean, 3 years is a long time for anything, ya know?
But I’m excited about it. Already, there are things I’ve been able to do with my extra time and I love it.
I mean, when would I have had time to take
ridiculous amazing pictures like this?
Thanks for your part on this journey with me. It really would not be as fun to write if I didn’t have you to write to. How ’bout a big, squishy internet hug?
oh nevermind, we’ll just leave it at ‘thanks.’