the Trust Journal

Today marks an important day in my home:
it’s the beginning of another semester of seminary for Jonathan.

This semester, he’s taking 12 credits. Thankfully, he’s able to take all of them online, so there’s no traveling involved. After he finishes this semester, he will have enough credits to apply for a doctoral program. If he’s accepted, we plan to step into that world in January.

A few weeks ago, as I was praying about his schooling, I decided to begin a Trust Journal.

trust journal

Inside, I’ve begun to write down specific ways the Lord is providing for our family.
Things like a friend sharing their garden fresh cucumbers with us,
an offer for free date night babysitting,
gift cards leftover from last Christmas that enable us to have a totally free meal + coffee out,
a new-to-us infant car seat from a family who thought *maybe* we could use it…

these are things that I most surely will forget if I don’t write them down.

My goal in writing down these blessings is to strengthen my trust in the One Who sees all, knows all, and is in perfect control.

trust journal2

Care to join me?

Every Milestone a Miracle: The Story of our Ph.D. journey




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6 responses to “the Trust Journal”

  1. Laura Avatar

    That’s a great idea! We have a prayer journal to record our family prayer requests and the answers, but I love the idea of writing down specific provisions of the Lord that may not have even been in answer to a prayer. We have so many of those, particularly from when Samuel was born and we were praying/preparing to become a (mostly) one-income family. I know I’ll forget so many of those things if I don’t write them down!

  2. Kelly Avatar

    Love this idea!

  3. Christa Avatar

    same here, Laura. those are precious memories I know you don’t want to forget!

  4. Christa Avatar

    thanks, Kelly!

  5. Jennifer Avatar

    I did this when Seth went away to basic training last fall and it helped me so much! It’s been a blessing for me to look back upon now that it’s over and your post is a wonderful reminder of God and His faithfulness.

  6. Christa Avatar

    So glad! Great is His faithfulness – and I do things like this because great is my forgetfulness!! 😉