The Family Yearbook

Every year, I make a photo book for our family. It’s kinda like a yearbook documenting all the events that have taken place during the past year.

Only this year I’m extremely behind.

Extremely behind…as in, I haven’t even made a photo book for 2011 yet.

I kept telling myself I would do it later and “I’m just waiting until I can find a good sale on photo books.”


Well, the procrastinating days must end sometime, right? It just so happens that I got an email about a promo Shutterfly is doing. From now until Sunday night, 10/7/2012, they’re offering 12×12 photo books for half off!

Have you seen all the cute styles of books they offer? Here’s a handful:


Okay. Procrastination must stop. In all my free time, I’m now adding one more thing to the list:

Create a 2011 Family Yearbook before October 7.

If you want to cash in on this deal, head over here and let your creative genius take over.

Happy creating!





One response to “The Family Yearbook”

  1. Abby Avatar

    I know what you mean about procrastinating with making the family photo books. I have bought a Groupon for Picaboo two years in a row now and never get around to making the books until right before it is about to expire. In fact I have one that is about to expire now. I’ll start it later because I feel tired tonight:).