The Big Bang

Last week, I posted a status on facebook about some “disaster” that happened in my house. Specifically…on my wall. Allow me to tell you the story:


My daughter was napping (sometimes a rare occurrence) and I was working on blogg-y stuff. I was in the middle of updating some things on here:


when I suddenly heard a large bang. A very large bang.

Not a pleasant sound.

I looked over towards the sound of the accident. And what to my wondering eyes did appear than this:

Allow me to refresh your memory. Remember this?

Yes – that’s my gallery wall made of 50 cent frames that I “made-over.” Ummm…there aren’t supposed to be 2 pictures missing. This is the site that met me directly beneath the frames:

And the culprit:

But do you know what’s amazing???? The glass didn’t break!!! Yippee!

Now, unfortunately, one of the frames did break:

Nasty, right? 🙁

I think the problem boils down to this: I tend to scrimp a little too much. Sometimes in areas that do not do well with scrimping. For example, when I was gluing these babies, I didn’t use a whole lot of glue on the frame backs. So…even though the glue was strong, it didn’t hold up very long. (that was a rhyme. I hope you noticed and were impressed.) 😉

Thankfully again…the crack really isn’t that bad. It just looks bad because it’s filling the frame. 🙂 But it’s really not THAT horribly big. So I grabbed my trusty glue again:

And glued the crack. Then I taped ‘er up while I let it dry for a good 10 hours. 2-4 hours was the recommended time, but hey – doesn’t hurt to give it a little more time. 🙂 (sorry for the blurry and horrid pic. I’m planning to enter it into a contest. I’m sure I’ll win.)

So, that’s the story behind my big bang. I have yet to hang the pictures back up. Just keepin’ it real for ya. 😉 And if I were really picky obsessed a perfectionist, I would sand it down and spray paint the frame again. But I’m not. And I bet nobody or their mom will notice this frame. And if they do, I’ll give them a brownie. No I won’t. I’ll save it for myself. Why would I give a  brownie to someone who pointed out a fault in my picture frame? Then again, who says it’s a fault? It adds character. hehehehe (this is me talking myself into hanging the frame up as-is. it’s working.)

So, for all you lovely people who have DIY projects make a big bang on ya, come on and join my rank. Because even in the mundane mess-ups of life, it’s still possible to find a little sweetness in there. 🙂






7 responses to “The Big Bang”

  1. Mary @ Avatar

    I’m sorry your pictures fell and one frame broke, but I love your glue project 🙂 Just fix ‘er up and get back in place. You know my first thought? Oh, I hope it didn’t wake the baby!!! 🙂

  2. Christa Avatar

    hahaha! no, thankfully it didn’t! 😉

  3. Daddio Avatar

    I’m going to look for it.

  4. Jennifer Avatar

    Glad the glass didn’t break and I think you’re right, nobody will notice the crack in the frame. Have you tried the command picture hanging strips? I use them all the time, they work great and no holes in the wall. You can get coupons from their website or purchase them from Michaels and Joannes with a coupon.

  5. Christa Avatar

    hmmm – no, I’ve never tried those. Actually, I’ve never even thought of it. I will definitely keep that in mind though. I wonder if they work well for heavy pieces? I have this decorative iron work I want to hang but can’t put nails where I want to hang it (if that makes sense). I’ll have to look into that…

  6. Jessica Young Avatar
    Jessica Young

    I have some wreaths that I made that have china on them. Well, in the middle of the night, two pieces fell off. Nothing like the sound of breaking glass in the middle of the night! I don’t know which was scarier, the breaking glass noise, or the fact that my husband did not wake up. I got to go see if it was someone smashing a window by myself.

  7. Christa Avatar

    bahahaha!!! that is hilarious!!!! Okay, those wreaths sound super cool! Are they all broken? If not, I would love to see a pic of them!