Tag: thoughts
He’s Still Working on Me
God makes everything beautiful in his time. Even my heart.
Use Discretion (& a bucket)
This is not a call to stop thinking. Call out evil when and where you must. But call out the good too.
On Moving to New Hampshire
Hi, friends. I’m taking time today to share a family update. Many of you have read my blog for years, and even though we don’t know each other “in real life,” you have assured me of your prayers for me and my family. So I wanted to give a little life update.
The Secret to Being the Best
You want to be the best, don’t you? Why else would you work to get ahead in life? There’s always a higher goal to reach. There is always more money to be made, more followers to be had, and bigger ladders to climb. There is always someone telling you how to become the best version of…
Has Jesus Ever Failed You?
On a Sunday afternoon, I sat on the couch near a couple of my kids. They were reading library books and I was reading my Bible. More accurately, I was sitting there with my open Bible on my lap. I had been reading in 1 Peter but had stopped to take time for the all-important…
The Waiting Place
Life is full of waiting. Waiting for the weekend or that perfect vacation. Waiting for the return phone call. Waiting for graduation. Waiting for an answer about a job. Waiting for a baby to be born. Waiting for a diagnosis.
3 Things I Learned During My Social Media Absence
Over the past couple weeks, I’ve taken an intentional break from social media. The reason I pulled away was two-fold: 1. I knew I loved it too much. 2. I recently read a book that suggested the two-week period. Today, I’ll share 3 things I learned during my social media absence:
Addicted to Social Media: a daily journal of my 2 week social media break
Two weeks ago, I deleted social media apps from my phone and banned myself from accessing them in any way over a period of 14 days. Because my purpose for this break was to develop my mind and heart, I decided to keep a daily journal specifically chronicling my struggles related to social media abstinence.…
My Marriage Is Not Affair Proof
Google “How to Affair Proof Your Marriage” and you’ll end up with a slew of options, ranging in helpfulness from “Commit to honest, open communication” to “Watch out for that second or third cocktail.” My husband and I just celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary and while we don’t claim to have marriage figured out, there is…
I Can Do It All
I can do it all. And if you read my post entitled “I Can’t Do It All,” you can now be assured that I’ve completely lost my mind. Allow me to explain. I’ve had these posts planned (in my head, at least) for months. And I wanted to do them back to back. In fact,…
When You Despise Your Season
SEASON: a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature Our seasons of life are constantly changing based on the personal, relational, spiritual and work-related details of our lives. Some days, I absolutely love my current season of life. Other times, it can feel like the longest season ever. I’ll venture to say – The longest…
My Biggest Problem & Greatest Hope
What is the biggest problem in your life? Once you identify that problem, you will discover what you need to resolve in order to have hope. If I view other people and their evil influence as the biggest problem, then my only hope lies in them getting their act together and changing for the better. If…