Tag: relationships

  • “I’m Better than You.”

    “I’m Better than You.”

    “Comparison is the death of joy,” according to Mark Twain. And the Bible clearly states that the person who spends time comparing himself with those around him is like a fool without understanding (2 Corinthians 10:12). But if someone could crack open our thoughts, they might just assume comparison was one of our favorite hobbies…

  • Difficult Relationship? Write an Action Statement.

    Difficult Relationship? Write an Action Statement.

    Have you ever struggled so much in a relationship that you felt like you didn’t know how to respond? Perhaps it’s a relationship with a close friend (or someone you thought was a friend), a spouse, or a fellow employer. Certainly, all of us have been in situations like this. In fact, any relationship is…

  • You Can’t Please Them. (& why you shouldn’t try)

    You Can’t Please Them. (& why you shouldn’t try)

    This post is for anyone who feels both a desire to please others and a frustration when they can’t. On Saturday morning, I asked God to help me be consumed with pleasing Him instead of others. But then I thought, “Wait. That doesn’t sound right. Shouldn’t I want to please others?” Doesn’t it seem like…

  • Take Time to Build

    Take Time to Build

    This past weekend, my sisters and I took time to build our relationship with God and each other. It was refreshing, instructive, encouraging, hilarious, and convicting: all in less than two days. Before my sister, Sarah returned from the Philippines, we talked about attending a conference together. But as we looked at the conferences available…

  • Stop Looking for the Perfect Friend

    Stop Looking for the Perfect Friend

      “I think you have a skewed view of friendship.” These words came from my husband after I had just bemoaned to him for the umpteenth time about my friendship struggles. I received his words in the best possible way, of course, and replied, “You don’t understand. You’ve always had a lot of good friends.” I…