Tag: personal

  • He’s Still Working on Me

    He’s Still Working on Me

    God makes everything beautiful in his time. Even my heart.

  • On Moving to New Hampshire

    On Moving to New Hampshire

    Hi, friends. I’m taking time today to share a family update. Many of you have read my blog for years, and even though we don’t know each other “in real life,” you have assured me of your prayers for me and my family. So I wanted to give a little life update. 

  • A Tribute to My Grandma

    A Tribute to My Grandma

      How can you measure the impact of a life? My sweet Grandma passed away on Saturday. The question above came to my mind as I thought of her passing. Is there a way to measure the influence someone has on your life? Can you count up the times they talk with you and create…

  • He Passed!

    He Passed!

    This past week, Jonathan traveled to Kentucky to defend his dissertation. The oral defense took place Thursday afternoon, so my kids and I held an “official” prayer meeting minutes before he began. A couple hours later, he called me with wonderful news: He passed! Yahoo! Yeehaw! And all the other sayings that express happiness and…

  • a new phase [general life update]

    a new phase [general life update]

    We have successfully moved from Charlotte, NC to Richmond, VA. Successful = nobody died in the process. (Although we did forget to pack one entire drawer in our kitchen which housed our silverware. Whoops. We’re eating with our hands these days. Nothing out of the ordinary there.) There are a million thoughts going through my…

  • Our Big Change

    Our Big Change

    My family has a big change taking place in 2017. In order to make this as undramatic as possible, I’ll just come out and say it: we’re moving. Long story short: my husband, Jonathan is going to be an assistant pastor at my Dad’s church in Virginia. Short story long: well, how long do you…

  • What I’m Using for Baby #4

    What I’m Using for Baby #4

    I love seeing what others use and love – for themselves, their home, and family. This week, in honor of reaching 37 weeks pregnant with our little miracle baby, I thought I’d share 5 things I’m planning to use for baby #4. Make sure you stick around to the end – or just scroll to the bottom…

  • The Importance of Saying No to Good Things

    The Importance of Saying No to Good Things

    Saying no isn’t really popular these days, is it? We’re so focused on all the things we want/need to say YES to; saying NO seems like a bit of a downer. In our society of “do all the things! be anything you want! put yourself out there and be brave!” saying no comes across as lame. Maybe even lazy.…

  • Pre-term Labor & Perspective

    Pre-term Labor & Perspective

    Pre-term labor has a way of changing your perspective. I can’t believe it’s August and I still have this baby girl inside me. The same baby girl who we thought was headed to Jesus 14 weeks ago when my water broke. The other day, a friend asked if I was counting down the days until…

  • 4 Ways to Drink More Water

    4 Ways to Drink More Water

    My husband tells me I drink a lot of water. After the new year rolled around and I began thinking through monthly goals, I decided to test his statement to see just how much water I drink in an average day. After I had downed a gallon no problemo before 9 PM, I concluded he was…

  • Summer Days

    Summer Days

    During our last week of school, I vividly remember this laughable conversation I had with Jonathan: Me: “I’m really not looking forward to taking a break from school.” Jonathan: “Why not?” Me: “It’s just been so great to have a steady routine and I’ve loved the time teaching Anna Grace! What am I going to do with…

  • 8 years of “I do” + 4 things I’ve learned

    8 years ago today – June 6 – marks a pivotal change in my life.  It’s the day I first kissed Jonathan. And it’s the day we committed to be faithful to each other until death. Just writing out that last sentence is scary to me. Not because I don’t love my husband, but because…