Tag: parenting

  • Parenting: What to Do When You Don’t Know the Answers

    Parenting: What to Do When You Don’t Know the Answers

    Parenting is full of questions and decisions. Your kids ask questions, you ask yourself questions, and sometimes situations present themselves where nobody is asking for answers (such as when two children are fighting), but they need intervention in the form of a wise parent. But what do you do when you don’t know the answers? Today’s…

  • Sacrificing Holiness for Authenticity

    Sacrificing Holiness for Authenticity

    It was Saturday morning. Driving home from an early morning run, I stopped by a yard sale and snagged the classic game of Battleship for the low, low price of $1. I had fond memories of playing this game in elementary school and looked forward to wowing my family with my incredible skills. Only that’s…

  • Speak Life: how to deal when your children fight

    Speak Life: how to deal when your children fight

    What do you do when your children break out in a monumental war with each other? Here’s what I’ve been doing lately, based out of a verse from Proverbs…

  • Unplanned Teaching Moments

    Last week, a friend told Jonathan and I about a conversation he had with Nate, our 5 year old: “So Nate, what do you think about moving to Virginia?” “It’s good . . . and it’s sad. But it’s what God wants us to do.” Hearing of this conversation reminded me just how important it is…

  • Everyday Talk :: a book review

    Everyday Talk :: a book review

    To make sure you don’t miss any tutorials, sign up for free email updates & connect with me on facebook! One of my goals for 2013 is to complete 12 book reviews. That means I also need to read 12 books. Imagine my extreme delight when I finished book #1 on January 18th. I know,…

  • Give Them Grace :: Book Review

    Give Them Grace :: Book Review

    I recently read Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus, a parenting book written by Elyse Fitzpatrick and her daughter, Jessica Thompson. The basic premise of this book is found on page 18: “The primary reason the majority of kids from Christian homes stray from the faith is that they never really…

  • Revolutionary Parenting – Book 11

    Revolutionary Parenting – Book 11

    Continuing with my reviews of books I read in 2011… one of the last books I read was Revolutionary Parenting by George Barna. I bought this book in July but wasn’t able to read much of it until the fall. I read most of this book during the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy. It…