Tag: life

  • break your rules

    break your rules

    We all have rules for ourselves. Sometimes they’re good: “I will always wash my hands after using the restroom.” That’s definitely a good rule. Sometimes they’re odd: “I refuse to be seen in a red car.” But we all have them. There’s a sweet lady in my church. When she was in her upper 30’s, both she…

  • an intentional closet

    an intentional closet

    Since the great purge of ’14, I’ve been much more intentional about the ‘stuff’ I allow into our home. I even avoided the clearance endcaps at Target the other day. Now that’s dedication. I’ve been greatly intrigued lately by the idea of a capsule wardrobe. I first read about it here, but the idea originated from…

  • purging


    2014 has been a time of purging. And I don’t mean anything to do with food or drinks. I feel like all year has been filled with spurts of organizing and getting rid of things. Redefining my goals for things and possessions. Trashing, donating, moving, etc. and it feels so good. This morning, my guy…

  • take it to Jesus.

    take it to Jesus.

    when life piles up on you. when the pressures seem to multiply. there’s an answer for that. God doesn’t give us overwhelming situations so that we will be overwhelmed, but so that we’ll give them to Him. Recently, there have been a lot of areas in my life where I feel burdened and overwhelmed: several…

  • taking stock

    taking stock

    The next several weeks are a bit packed, so I’m trying to be super strict about vitamins, water, rest, hand-washing, etc. to keep the germies away. And of course, that means I’m upping the healthy routines for my littles as well. Thankfully, they love the taste of their vitamins + drops {wrote about them here}, so that…