Tag: goals
5 Questions to Ask Yourself in 2022
I love taking time to reflect, and there’s no better built-in time for reflection than at the turning of a new year. Here are 5 questions I’m asking myself in 2022 that are leading me to reflect on God’s goodness and the work he’s doing in my life. As you ask yourself these questions, remember…
P.S. You Don’t Have to Wait Until January
This post is for the person who feels like they need to wait until January to make better choices. A call to start small—where you are. with what you know. and what you have. Make time now to do what matters for eternity, whether it’s January 1st, July 18th, or December 5th. Ah, December! The month…
4 Habits to Cultivate During Times of Change
“How are you doing?” It’s a question I’ve gotten a lot over the last few weeks of moving, unpacking, and transition. Not being one for fake answers, I’ve taken to replying with something along the lines of, “I’m doing well, I think.” This answer leaves some people befuddled, I’m sure, and perhaps wishing they…
3 Questions I Ask Before Pressing “Publish”
Today marks 7 years of blogging here at Brown Sugar Toast. 7 YEARS! In commemoration of this event, I’m going to share 3 questions I ask before pressing publish. I want you to know what my goals are for the writing in this space, rather than it seeming like a random assortment of posts. Whether I…
3 Questions For the New Year (+ my goals for 2018)
Towards the end of 2017, I sat down with a long list of questions to answer. I only ended up getting through 3 of them, but those few questions have been so helpful as I’ve thought about the year ahead. In case you enjoy thinking intentionally about the upcoming months, I thought I’d share these…
Addicted to Social Media: a daily journal of my 2 week social media break
Two weeks ago, I deleted social media apps from my phone and banned myself from accessing them in any way over a period of 14 days. Because my purpose for this break was to develop my mind and heart, I decided to keep a daily journal specifically chronicling my struggles related to social media abstinence.…
My Evening Routine (& how to create your own)
Here’s how I came up with my evening routine + how you can make one of your own…
The Importance of Saying No to Good Things
Saying no isn’t really popular these days, is it? We’re so focused on all the things we want/need to say YES to; saying NO seems like a bit of a downer. In our society of “do all the things! be anything you want! put yourself out there and be brave!” saying no comes across as lame. Maybe even lazy.…
4 Ways to Drink More Water
My husband tells me I drink a lot of water. After the new year rolled around and I began thinking through monthly goals, I decided to test his statement to see just how much water I drink in an average day. After I had downed a gallon no problemo before 9 PM, I concluded he was…
Reading the Bible in 90 Days :: pros & cons
3 months ago, I told you about a crazy goal I set out to complete before my 30th birthday – read the entire Bible in 90 days. I am incredibly happy to report back that I did, indeed, complete this goal the very day before I turned 30. Some of you mentioned an interest in starting this…
Reading the Bible in 90 Days
When I was approached with the goal of reading the Bible in 90 days and learned that the plan just happened to finish up on the day of my 30th, I decided to give it the good old college try. After all, it sounds like a great goal to accomplish before a milestone birthday, right?…
/ E N O U G H / my rule for january 2016
“You know what? I really love buying things. It makes me feel good. Powerful even,” I told Jonathan a couple weeks ago. “That’s concerning,” he said, as he gave me a somewhat suspicious look. It was this conversation that sparked my rule for January. And when I say “rule” I mean that quite literally. Although…