Tag: family

  • my untraditional + unexpected Christmas

    my untraditional + unexpected Christmas

    Just mention the word “Christmas” and you’re bound to conjure up a slew of thoughts + images in people’s minds. It’s like that for everyone. Whether the thoughts are positive or negative, people usually have plans and hopes related to the Christmas season. I’m no different. Sometimes you think and plan through all your holiday plans…

  • Our Christmas Picture 2015

    Our Christmas Picture 2015

    Right before Thanksgiving, we packed up our things and headed for the hills to take a family picture. Of course, that sounds more glamorous than it actually was. In reality, we were attempting to go to the end of a trail and set up our tripod to snap a few pics. But even though I…

  • every milestone = a miracle || the story of our PhD journey

    every milestone = a miracle || the story of our PhD journey

    Hey, guess what? As of today, my husband is halfway through the classes for his PhD program. The program is 3 years of classes + 1 year of dissertation writing. And today marks 1 1/2 years into the program. CUE THE CELEBRATION, PEOPLE. Because I realize that might not seem terribly impressive, but if you…

  • two. four. six.

    two. four. six.

    We’re in birthday season over here. These cuties now claim title to the ages of 2, 4, and 6. My sweet Miles is 2 and we might be in denial. I vividly remember the feeling of complete joy when he finally emerged. He loves talking (possibly even more than his sister), eating chicken (good thing because…

  • vacation 2015 {AKA picture dump}

    vacation 2015 {AKA picture dump}

    Last week, we vacated our place and exchanged it for the beach. It was completely due to the kindness of friends. And I kinda think God had something to do with it too. When we walked into our “home for the week” I kept pointing out special things to the kids: “See this awesome kitchen?…

  • my most favorite friday fave.

    my most favorite friday fave.

    Well, I’ve never done this before. But today’s Friday Fave is about a person. Because guys… this happened 7 years ago tomorrow (June 6). And look how we’ve grown! 3 babies later & here we are, still married and working at becoming best friends for life. I’ve learned something very important over the last year. Actually, I’m…

  • our {picture heavy!} weekend

    our {picture heavy!} weekend

    Hi there! How was your Easter weekend? I don’t know about y’all, but our weather here in the south was a-ma-zing. Rather windy + chilly on Saturday, but really amazing other than that! On Friday, it was so gorgeous outside that I decided to just eat in our front yard. About 15 minutes into preparing…

  • grace. and more grace.

    grace. and more grace.

    Summers are our busy season. Due to Jonathan’s job as youth pastor, we are able to take kids to camp, lead teens on missions trip, and be heavily involved in our church’s summer outreach for kids. It’s seriously awesome! Like anything, though, it also has parts that are difficult. Like the part where we leave our…