Tag: faith

  • too easily satisfied

    too easily satisfied

    I’m still reading along in this book (1st fave) and came across an entry a few weeks ago that has been working on me ever since. It’s worth meditation, so I thought I’d share a portion of it here: “I know it’s my problem and I suspect it’s yours too – we’re just too easily satisfied. It’s not…

  • on comfort

    on comfort

    |  C O M F O R T  | a state of ease and satisfaction of bodily wants, with freedom from pain and anxiety   I love comfort. In fact, if everything could be comfortable for me all the time, I think life would be pretty swell. But I’m  s l o w l y  learning something:…

  • comparison, agitation, & peace

    comparison, agitation, & peace

    I spent the entire morning in a state of agitation. I wasn’t fully aware of it until I noticed how little patience I was evidencing during my daughter’s handwriting practice. time to step awaaay, Christa. From school, we plunged into some errands, which involved patrolling different sporting goods store in search of an elusive tire to fix…

  • when failure is a good thing

    when failure is a good thing

    Thursday was a tough day. There’s just no other way to describe it. It was peppered with unkind comments and actions from my littles – to each other; to others; to me. The constant strain of taking care of 3 preschoolers’ physical needs as I also attempt to guide their little hearts to love Jesus and do right…

  • my greatest prayer for my children

    my greatest prayer for my children

    Last week, I sat through my church’s communion service with my 3 year old on my lap and my 5 year old next to me. Throughout the service, there were prayers, songs, and Scripture readings. My attention was divided {obviously} between engaging my mind in the service and helping my children sit still. My mind began…

  • your greatest support system

    your greatest support system

    I intended to begin my study of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John last week. But I got a little sidetracked when I got to this verse, so I had to take a detour from the study guide and park here for a little bit. My little children, I am writing these things to you so…

  • your heavenly Father knows

    your heavenly Father knows

    Well, friends, this is it. This is my last week of “normal” for a few weeks. Our travels begin Friday and will take us to Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. {I wrote more about that here if you have no idea what I’m talking about.} I called a dear older friend last week & we started talking…

  • real life hope.

    real life hope.

    I’ve been pondering Hebrews 6:19 this weekend: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” For those who believe in Christ, we can claim Him as our complete hope for eternal life. Without Him, we are lost. But what about now? What about the daily struggles, heartaches, and perplexing situations…