Tag: faith

  • I Can’t Do It All.

    In August, I took time to think through the fall season of life. (I wrote about several of the steps here.) One of the most helpful parts of this planning process was when I took time to list out the things that wouldn’t happen during the fall season of my life. Making that list was helpful…

  • Always Reaching For the Next Big Thing [& how to stop]

    Always Reaching For the Next Big Thing [& how to stop]

    I feel it in myself. A yearning, reaching, longing for that next big thing in life. When I was little, it was always the next birthday. A whole year older! Cake! Presents! Then I began longing to be a teenager, enter high school, start driving, get my first job, begin college, find that special someone – along…

  • Reading the Bible in 90 Days :: pros & cons

    Reading the Bible in 90 Days :: pros & cons

    3 months ago, I told you about a crazy goal I set out to complete before my 30th birthday – read the entire Bible in 90 days. I am incredibly happy to report back that I did, indeed, complete this goal the very day before I turned 30. Some of you mentioned an interest in starting this…

  • forgotten promises & a faithful God

    “Hey Mom, remember when you said we could _______?” “Mama, remember last night you promised I could have _______?” Because I am human, my children have to frequently remind me of things – whether it’s the agenda for the day, a grocery item, or something I promised them. Sometimes I’m incredibly thankful for their reminders. Other…

  • You Can Only Have One

    You Can Only Have One

    Several months ago, my family was driving when I noticed a car plastered with bumper stickers. Since I was not in the driver’s seat, I began straining to try to read them aloud to Jonathan. Homeschooling, pro-life, gun allowance, natural living, etc. Before they drove off (perhaps because some weirdo woman was straining her neck to read the…

  • Interview with Claudia Barba :: Dwelling Richly

    Interview with Claudia Barba :: Dwelling Richly

    Today’s interview is with a speaker, author, encourager, and family friend. I suppose I first met Claudia Barba when I was a child, but was able to re-meet her a couple years ago when she and her husband Dave served at my church for several months. As the mother of 3 grown children, Claudia knows what it’s…

  • Interview with Jen Wilkin :: Dwelling Richly

    Interview with Jen Wilkin :: Dwelling Richly

    In 2014, I received a book entitled Women of the Word. Although I grew up in a Christian home with parents who taught me how to read and study the Bible, the Lord used this book to open my eyes to a “whole book approach” in Bible study. This has not only changed my approach to studying…

  • don’t bury it. || learning from 2015

    Several months ago, I came to a point where I was just done. Done with blogging; done with writing. “Why am I even doing this?” I asked Jonathan. “There are a million better writers than I. I already have a lot to do. I’m not adding anything to the world by writing. My audience isn’t as…