Tag: faith

  • If You’re Not Desperate, You’re Doing it Wrong

    If You’re Not Desperate, You’re Doing it Wrong

    Sometimes you come to a point in your life where you feel like you’re doing okay. Maybe you’ve been incredibly faithful in your church attendance and service. Perhaps your job appears to be going well, your kids aren’t the worst ones you’ve ever seen, or your marriage seems to be fairly strong. God has this…

  • In Case You’ve Forgotten God’s Goodness

    In Case You’ve Forgotten God’s Goodness

    The Lord is good, isn’t he? But how quickly my mind forgets this truth. I wonder if you’ve seen the same habit in your heart?

  • 4 Habits to Cultivate During Times of Change

      “How are you doing?” It’s a question I’ve gotten a lot over the last few weeks of moving, unpacking, and transition. Not being one for fake answers, I’ve taken to replying with something along the lines of, “I’m doing well, I think.” This answer leaves some people befuddled, I’m sure, and perhaps wishing they…

  • Difficult Relationship? Write an Action Statement.

    Difficult Relationship? Write an Action Statement.

    Have you ever struggled so much in a relationship that you felt like you didn’t know how to respond? Perhaps it’s a relationship with a close friend (or someone you thought was a friend), a spouse, or a fellow employer. Certainly, all of us have been in situations like this. In fact, any relationship is…

  • Has Jesus Ever Failed You?

    Has Jesus Ever Failed You?

    On a Sunday afternoon, I sat on the couch near a couple of my kids. They were reading library books and I was reading my Bible. More accurately, I was sitting there with my open Bible on my lap. I had been reading in 1 Peter but had stopped to take time for the all-important…

  • When Faith Doesn’t Make Sense

    When Faith Doesn’t Make Sense

    I have a question about this passage: After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of…

  • You’re Not Just a ______.

    You’re Not Just a ______.

    I’m over at Rooted Thinking with some words for anyone who has ever felt like they can’t do a specific task because they’re “just a ______.” Here’s my favorite part: You are not just a mom or a teenager or a person without any sort of visible accomplishment. You are his. “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine”…

  • Can a Stay-at-Home Mom Live by Faith?

    Can a Stay-at-Home Mom Live by Faith?

    I recently finished studying the book of Hebrews, in which chapter 11 recounts acts of faith from heroes such as Noah, Abraham, and Moses. While reading about people who conquered kingdoms, stopped the mouths of lions, escaped the edge of the sword, and put foreign armies to flight, I started wondering: Can a stay-at-home mom live by…