Tag: faith
The Spirit Beautifies
The Spirit brings believers to life and makes them beautiful. What grace!
He’s Still Working on Me
God makes everything beautiful in his time. Even my heart.
You’ll Never Be Content Until…
If you can’t rejoice in your lot today, you won’t be able to rejoice in it tomorrow.
How is Jesus the Good Shepherd?
If Jesus Christ had come to earth only to obey orders, he would have left when things started going south. This is why He contrasts Himself with “a hired hand” in John 10: “He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves…
When You’re Envious of Others
Here’s the dark, ugly truth: I used to be envious of people who wrote spiritual articles (like I do) and got more attention than me. I told you it was ugly. Here’s how God changed me.
4 Habits to Help Your Heart Give Thanks (When You Don’t Want To)
Thanks. It’s a simple word and one we hear all the time, especially during this month. Anyone can say it; it’s not reserved for the healthy, strong, or rich among us. In fact, it makes no difference how rich or poor, young or old, healthy or sick you are…you can use this word and it…
If It’s Winter In Your Soul
There’s a trail near my home that has quickly become one of my favorite haunts. Sometimes I go alone; other times I take my kids and we explore. Over the last several months, the trail has been flanked with large snow piles, bare trees, and frozen creeks. There haven’t been birds or any sign of…
Bigger Than You
One of the biggest things the Lord has taught me over the last weeks is this: God’s work is bigger than me. I want to build on something I mentioned in my last post, specifically this quote: “Every time I get a message from someone about the way the Lord has used Come to Jesus…
“I’m Better than You.”
“Comparison is the death of joy,” according to Mark Twain. And the Bible clearly states that the person who spends time comparing himself with those around him is like a fool without understanding (2 Corinthians 10:12). But if someone could crack open our thoughts, they might just assume comparison was one of our favorite hobbies…
If You’re Not Desperate, You’re Doing it Wrong
Sometimes you come to a point in your life where you feel like you’re doing okay. Maybe you’ve been incredibly faithful in your church attendance and service. Perhaps your job appears to be going well, your kids aren’t the worst ones you’ve ever seen, or your marriage seems to be fairly strong. God has this…
In Case You’ve Forgotten God’s Goodness
The Lord is good, isn’t he? But how quickly my mind forgets this truth. I wonder if you’ve seen the same habit in your heart?
4 Habits to Cultivate During Times of Change
“How are you doing?” It’s a question I’ve gotten a lot over the last few weeks of moving, unpacking, and transition. Not being one for fake answers, I’ve taken to replying with something along the lines of, “I’m doing well, I think.” This answer leaves some people befuddled, I’m sure, and perhaps wishing they…