Tag: Christmas

  • The Prayer Bucket :: Teaching Your Child to Pray

    The Prayer Bucket :: Teaching Your Child to Pray

    When Christmas time rolls around, we get a bunch of Christmas cards. My fave ones are always the photo cards. I love seeing how people have changed since last year and getting a little glimpse into the family’s life. But what do you do with all the cards once January comes? I used to feel…

  • Christmas Food

    Christmas Food

    So, what are you eating this holiday season? (No, no…don’t start feeling guilty. This is not your conscience speaking.) Really, though, are you cooking for Christmas? Or is someone else cooking for you? Do you have a traditional meal you eat? Or a tradition someone makes for you but you hate? A friend recently told…

  • A Furry Project

    A Furry Project

    A while ago, I was scanning the remnant section at my local Hancock Fabrics and found something lovely: Rabbit fur!!! (rabbit not included) Everything in the remnant section is 75% off, so this 1/4 yard of fur turned out to be $1.25. I think I can handle that. As soon as I saw it, I had…