Tag: books
Pretty Takes Practice :: a book review
Today’s book review is a totally light + fun read entitled Pretty Takes Practice. This particular book grabbed my attention while I was browsing the “New Non-fiction” section of my library. I had never heard of the author before but was quite happy to discover that Charla Muller lives in my very own city of Charlotte,…
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up :: a book review
I listened to most of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up while driving home from Kentucky after my husband’s PhD classes. By the time I arrived home, I was ready to TIDY UP ALL THE THINGS. Unfortunately, we left 2 1/2 days later for missions trip, so I only had time to tidy my closet. I…
Steal Like an Artist :: book review
I can’t remember how I first heard about Steal Like an Artist, but I seem to remember seeing it via instagram – maybe from Emily or the Nester. If you love to create (whether by writing, making music, taking pictures, or any other form), read this book. I started reading it on a Friday night and…
5 Things I Learned from Kara Tippetts
A couple weeks ago, my sister told me about a book entitled The Hardest Peace. I found the audiobook via my local library and began listening the next day. Personally, one of the signs of a good book is when I talk with Jonathan about the things I’m reading. This book definitely hit that mark. I…
The Prodigal God :: book review
There’s something so fulfilling about finishing a good book, isn’t there? Yesterday I finished reading The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith by Timothy Keller. This little book takes a deeper look at the parable of the two lost sons found in Luke 15. Keller breaks the book up into 7 sections: The People Around…
9 Books to Build Your Marriage
One of the best things I have done for my marriage is to read excellent books on the subject. Reading quality books on Christian topics is a way to be discipled by people you may never meet. You get to learn from their failures + successes and implement those lessons in your own marriage. With…
a new tradition
I’m a big fan of meaningful traditions. But sometimes it’s hard to just ‘come up with’ a great tradition to start, right? Last year, we started using a new advent with our kids. We did it in the evenings before bed and everyone loved it. We’re definitely going to use it again. But I’m also going to try…
Women of the Word :: book review + giveaway
As soon as I saw the cover of this book, I was pretty stoked to read it. Although I’ve been reading & studying the Bible for years, I have never read a book about how to study the Bible. So I dove right into this book with an open heart. Overview The first 2 chapters deal…