Tag: Blessings in Disguise

  • Kelly’s “Major Fail”

    My friend, Kelly blogs over at Joyful Adorations. The other day I was catching up on her blog. When I read this post, I immediately thought of my Blessings in Disguise series. Go check out Kelly’s post and read about her major fail that she managed to have a positive attitude about!

  • Additions, Subtractions, & Substitutions

    Every week, Jonathan and I try to schedule a date night at home. That means, we put the kids to bed a little early and do something together. (talk, play a game, watch a movie, etc.) I always like to have something special to eat on home-date-nights. On this particular night, Jonathan volunteered to make…

  • Bathtubs & … other items

    Bathtubs & … other items

    This week, I began a Bible study with some sweet girls from my youth group. About 10 minutes before they arrived, I got Nate up from his bed. As I was changing his diaper, I realized that he had not only defiled his diaper, but also his entire outfit and backside. I popped him in…

  • Sicky Wicky

    Sicky Wicky

    I spent yesterday with a bunch of close friends. We just chilled on the couch together all day. And by *chilled* I mean that in the literal sense of the word. I managed to take a picture of all my friends gathered in one spot: Oh my, what a shame. Looks like I didn’t make…

  • Mercy Calls

    There we were. Driving along in our little car – one big happy family. I noticed a policeman parked on the opposite side of the road and mentioned to Jonathan, “Hey, I don’t know what the speed limit is or if you’re going over it, but you might wanna slow down.” {cue dramatic music} Mr.…

  • What Am I Thinking?!?! :: Blessings in Disguise 1/31

    What Am I Thinking?!?! :: Blessings in Disguise 1/31

      To begin with, I have no idea why I signed up for this 31 Days event. Good grief, I’m right in the middle of preparing for my first Arts & Crafts Fair, re-applying for my teaching certificate, leading an 8 week Bible study in my home for senior high girls, and training for a…

  • 31 Days of…

    31 Days of…

    Last year, I decided to do something crazy during the month of October. It was known as blogging-every-single-day. I called it 31 Days of Building Your Marriage. It turned out to be a great series that was both an encouragement and conviction. In fact, I’m re-posting it on my facebook page this month. This year, I…