Tag: Blessings in Disguise

  • Turn Out

    Turn Out

    This post is part of a 31 Day Series during the month of October. To make sure you don’t miss a post, sign up to get email updates, posts via RSS, or connect on facebook! 30 days ago, I started off this series with a bang. Actually, I wrote a fairly pessimistic post about the fact that I…

  • When You Can’t Find the Blessings

    When You Can’t Find the Blessings

    This post is part of a 31 Day Series during the month of October. To make sure you don’t miss a post, sign up to get email updates, posts via RSS, or connect on facebook! Today is October 30. That means for the past 29 days, I’ve been writing about blessings. Specifically, blessings that come wrapped in a…

  • Your Face is Dirty

    Your Face is Dirty

    This post is part of a 31 Day Series during the month of October. To make sure you don’t miss a post, sign up to get email updates, posts via RSS, or connect on facebook! You didn’t think I could do a 31 day series of blessings in disguise and not talk about my kids, did you? In…

  • Ultimate


    This post is part of a 31 Day Series during the month of October. To make sure you don’t miss a post, sign up to get email updates, posts via RSS, or connect on facebook! The Ultimate Disguise? Jesus faced it. “being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death…

  • I Live in a Vacuum

    I Live in a Vacuum

    This post is part of a 31 Day Series during the month of October. To make sure you don’t miss a post, sign up to get email updates, posts via RSS, or connect on facebook! Showing you never-before-seen pics… Meet my Vacuum: I was using this guy on Wednesday and happened to notice my dirt container appeared to…

  • The Ex- Word

    The Ex- Word

    This post is part of a 31 Day Series during the month of October. To make sure you don’t miss a post, sign up to get email updates, posts via RSS, or connect on facebook! It’s a bad word. I realize that. Yes, I know you don’t want me to talk about it today and how…

  • Budget Blessings

    Budget Blessings

    2 months ago, Jonathan & I came up with a new budget for ourselves. It’s kinda strict and goes along with our “save-for-a-bigger-vehicle” scheme. However, there’s a little bit of wiggle room in a category we named “personal fund.” This personal fund is for anything we want to get that doesn’t exactly fall under the…

  • Galore


    Galore: In great numbers; in abundance This word – “galore” – aptly describes a certain item in my home. I’ll give you 1 chance to guess what that is… Toys? You got it. Despite the fact that I only have 2 kids. And despite the fact that we haven’t bought many toys. Yet the sight above is…

  • One Story

    One Story

    We were in South Carolina last weekend for Jonathan’s Grandma’s funeral. If you follow me on instagram {@BrownSugarToast}, you probably saw this pic on Saturday: Funerals. They are interesting times. The funeral for Grandma was – I can honestly say – such a blessing. It was a blessing because her sons conducted the funeral and…

  • Weakness = Strength

    Have you ever experienced something that you wish would just go away? So have I. I think we all have, haven’t we? Whether it’s a new responsibility, troubling relationship, financial or physical difficulty, etc. Is it possible to face a situation like this and truly see it as a blessing in disguise? Paul went through a difficult…

  • Disconnected

    My blessing in disguise for today is this notification: We are out of town for Jonathan’s Grandma’s funeral and I have no internet…{besides my phone}. My blessing is that I am somewhat disconnected from the tight grip of my computer. The tight grip is mutual, I assure you. The disguise? I’m typing this on my…

  • Messy


    My friends, this has been the state of my living room for the last couple of days: Jonathan says it looks like a gypsy camp. *ahem* I’m making this fabric swag in preparation for my first craft show that takes place in . . . 2 weeks!!! {cue insane jumping & glue gun burns} I was inspired…