Spring Ideas

Today, I want to share some SPRING happiness with you! I have been browsing the internet for some spring fun and want to share some of my finds with you! There are some things you probably already have all the materials for – or you can use a substitute. 🙂 So, get ready to have some inspiration and craft away!

First off, some inspiration from Martha Stewart:

This lovely arrangement of cherry blossoms in a simple white vase. Beautiful.

Source: Martha Stewart


How fun are these grass candles??? Grab some pillar candles from the dollar store if you don’t have any lying around your house. So fun and spring-y!!

Source: Martha Stewart

And these simple dogwood flowers. Classic. You could probably make these today with some of your kids’ art supplies. 🙂

Source: Martha Stewart

And now for some blogger inspiration:

Cindy over at Skip to My Lou has a super fun tutorial on how to make chalkboard Easter eggs! Look how cute! These would be awesome for your kiddos…

Source: skiptomylou

Mary over at Redo 101 has an awesome Pottery Barn hack. Love it!!!

Love this pink peony tutorial over at two twenty one:

Have some kiddos at home? Check this site out for 30 spring crafts you can do with them! Here are two of my faves:

Some spring bulbs you can recreate out of soda bottles, craft foam, and a few other assorted items:

And  “winged wonders” created out of pipe cleaners and magazine photos!

Are you inspired yet? I hope so!! Enjoy the spring beauty and let some of it in your home! As for me, I am off to clean my home. Can’t have any spring beauty if the dust is too thick to see any of it…ya know what I mean?

Happy decorating!!!


I’m linking up to:
Centsational Girl






8 responses to “Spring Ideas”

  1. Mary@redo101.blogspot.com Avatar

    Hi, Christa, thanks so much for spotlighting my little Pottery Barn redo! It’s nice to be on the same page as Martha 🙂

  2. Chrissy Avatar

    Lots of great ideas! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  3. Christa Avatar

    Of course! You did a great job!!! 🙂

  4. Christa Avatar

    Certainly 🙂 I want to try some of the flower ideas in my little girl’s room…if it turns out, I’ll put up pics…

  5. Ashley Avatar

    So many great ideas. I just might have to get out my construction paper and scissors and make some dogwood branches. Love that!

  6. Christa Avatar

    I hope you do!

  7. Anu@MyDreamCanvas Avatar

    This is lovely. Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas!

  8. Christa Avatar

    Thanks! love your pics! hope your neck gets back to 100% soon!!!