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31 Day Simplify Series :: Result of Simplicity {day 31}

Simplify 300

 What’s the point of simplifying?

simplify series //

It’s not so you can have the cleanest house in the city. Or always be introduced as the most organized person ever.

Simplify your life so that you can spend time on things that truly matter. Really, the point is to have less stuff so that you think less about stuff.

I know. I have such a vast vocabulary and a way with words.

Simplify :: so you can have less. and be more.

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Guys. I can’t believe it’s the last day of October. I really can’t even fathom that for the past 31 days we’ve been talking about the topic of Simplifying. I mean, it kind of seems contradictory, right? I mean, quit already. We get it! So with today’s post, I bid adieu to our lovely Simplify Series. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and taken away one thing to simplify your life.

If this series has been your first time around Brown Sugar Toast, I’m so glad you’ve come and I hope you’ll stick around. I don’t normally write for 31 days in a row. I have 3 little kids {I mean, I did 31 days ago…}, so I usually just post 1-2 times per week. The best way to keep up with me is to sign up for email updates or catch up on facebook – where I usually post multiple times a week. I’ve loved hanging out together this week. Sound off in the comments below if you have any extra thoughts on Simplicity!

This post is part of the 31 day Simplify Series.
To stay connected, sign up for email updates or find me on facebook!

Did you miss a post from this series? Click here to see them all!

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4 responses to “31 Day Simplify Series :: Result of Simplicity {day 31}”

  1. Selma Harris Avatar
    Selma Harris

    Thank you for these 31 days. I haven’t read everything yet but plan on it. Your site is a blessing and I look forward to seeing your posts. May God continue to Bless you and your family immensely.

  2. Christa Avatar

    thank you for taking time to let me know, Selma! I’m so very thankful this has been a blessing to you!

  3. Cindy Avatar

    Thank you for this blog and series. You put things into perspective so well. I’ve been wanting to simplify my home life and although it’s been a struggle it’s so worth it when you say it’s about worrying less about the tangible and more about the eternal! Wow! Profound! Love it!

  4. Ken Avatar

    You have a very engaging writing style. Thank-you for making my long coach journey home a pleasant, inspiring and entertaining one. God Bless. Ken