recounting God’s goodness

Last Sunday, Jonathan left for his seminary classes. The morning before he left, I spent time praying for our time apart. I asked God to give health, safety, and bring us back together in a week. And then towards the end of my prayer – remembering how opposite God’s plans were to my plans during the last 2 weeks of classes in May – I told God I really wanted health, safety, & a reunion, but that I just especially needed His grace and strength for whatever would happen.

Grace + Strength.

Those two words became my prayer the entire week. I prayed alone and with my kids. They prayed alone several times a day because they all wanted to pray for Daddy. And on Saturday, while we were making the trip to Kentucky, I realized we were on the homestretch of our time away from Daddy – and what do you know? God had indeed answered my prayers for grace and strength. So I started talking with my kids about it. I mean, we were in the car for 8 hours, so it’s not like we were short on time together.

“Guys, remember how we were praying that God would help us while Daddy was away? He really did, didn’t He? What are some ways God blessed us this week?”

The first things they mentioned?

  • a friend came over the morning we left and helped pack our many bags and random items into our car
  • a friend came for dinner one night and read to my kids
  • another friend made a Trader Joe’s run for me and brought extra surprises (like this wreath + super yummy bread) just to bless us!
  • we got to go to church Wednesday night & my kids were able to be in their special kids’ programs
  • we got to talk with Daddy every night
  • a friend came over for a couple hours just to talk {& she brought a chai latte!}

Some other blessings they didn’t mention, but I’m so very thankful for:

  • when I was sick the morning of the trip, God helped that resolve itself within a couple hours so that we could still leave and spend Sunday with Daddy!
  • I was able to sell some extra Christmas candles (via a facebook yard sale group), made a connection with the lady who bought the candles, and she is hoping to visit my church when I get home
  • God kept us safe & even helped us to have fun when we went to Charlotte’s Christmas tree lighting
  • I had a lot of special moments with my kiddos – reading, singing, talking, playing, “event-ing”…
  • our car ran perfectly during the trip
  • a super kind family  is letting us stay in their home this week during Jonathan’s classes

These are all blessings. Kindnesses from the good hand of my heavenly Father. When I took time to recount God’s goodness with my kids, two things happened:

  1. we reminded each other of blessings that would have otherwise been forgotten
  2. we praised God together

Because what’s the purpose of remembering blessings if not to focus all the thanks and praise on the One Who gave them to us?
So why not take time today to remember blessings the Lord gave you this past week? If you have kids, gather them around and make it a family thing. You’ll be reminded of things you might have forgotten + you’ll get to praise God with your kiddos.

Now that’s what I call a good time.


// related – Thankfulness: Why Jesus Changes the Rules //

what's the purpose of remembering blessings if not to focus all the thanks and praise on the One Who gave them to us?
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