31 Day Simplify Series :: put it where you use it {day 8}

Simplify 300

I was inspired to write this post by the Nester’s kitchen tweak.
check it out – and say hello to her lovely kitchen for me.

For 3 years, I kept the cleaning supplies in my laundry closet. It just went together. Washer, dryer, laundry soap, bleach, cleaning products.

cleaning productsvia

This meant that every time I wanted to clean the bathroom, I needed to go to the laundry area, get my cleaning supplies, and then repeat that process once the cleaning was done.

Really, the whole process of retrieving and putting things away was only about 1 minute long.

However, it was another step between me and cleaning the bathroom. And those of you with small children at home know that sometimes it’s the little jobs like this that take for.e.ver. to actually complete.

And so I did something radical. For me, anyway.

I moved my cleaning supplies into my bathroom.


Yes, I know. But you know what? My bathroom is so much cleaner now because of that one teensy tiny change. When I see that the mirror has a rogue spot on it, it’s so much easier to just do a quick cleaning of the mirror since I keep window solution and rags under the counter now.

It’s incredible how a tiny change can make such a big difference.

What tiny change can you do to make cleaning easier?


This post is part of the 31 day Simplify Series.
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Simplify Series // a 31 day journey via BrownSugarToast.com



