DIY paper heart garland

paper heart garland

How about a little paper heart garland action for ya?

DIY paper heart garland

ONE: create a heart template out of a piece of cardboard or stiff paper.

TWO: using the template you just made, trace a heart onto a book page.

a while ago, I got this book from a library sale for 25 cents. I know some of you might be scandalized by the fact that I cut up a book. Horrors! And if you are, I deeply apologize. However, my thought on the matter is this: there are a lot of books in the world. Some of them shouldn’t have ever be written in the first place. If I can re-purpose it to a good use, so be it. There. That’s my philosophy on book crafting.

THREE: cut out the heart.

FOUR: repeat the above steps a bajillion times. I did most of mine while talking with friends. And explaining why I was cutting a bajillion hearts.

FIVE: sew the hearts together.

I’m a terrible seamstress. Originally I was going to leave a few inches of space between the hearts, but when I tried that, my thread was all bunchy between the hearts. So I scrapped that idea and decided to have the hearts right next to each other instead. I set my tension low and stitch length long so my paper wouldn’t rip from having so many holes in it. It was really fun once I got the hang of it. I just kept feeding the paper hearts to my machine. All this while listening to an intense Sherlock Holmes story – via my earbuds, of course, so my kids wouldn’t be disturbed from their rest time.

SIX: hang the garland.

I used washi tape to hang mine. I’ve had this stuff for a while and rarely use it for anything, so it was time to bring it out of hiding.

DIY paper heart garland


paper heart garland9

and here’s the finished product!

DIY paper heart garland

One of the fun little perks about this garland is it leaves such a pretty shadow on the wall. See that?

DIY paper heart garland

Incidentally, this heart garland is up during the Valentine season. But I’m planning to leave it up until I get tired of it. Which could just as easily be next month or 2 years from now. And that’s the fun in decorating your own home. You can change it up whenever you get the desire! And when you do projects like these that cost practically $0? Total win.

What have you been making lately?
I was at Lowe’s Saturday {evidence here} to pick up some supplies. I’ll have to share a peek of that project soon!

p.s. I’m going to close out the survey this week and *hopefully* share the results & my goals on Monday. If you forgot to give your feedback, today is your last chance! check it out here.




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