On Your Mark, Get Set…

Back at the beginning of 2012, I wrote a list of goals. Some of them I have achieved; some I haven’t.

One of my goals is to run a 1/2 marathon. Well, folks, the time has come. I am signed up to do the Thunder Road Half Marathon in Charlotte, NC.

So, tomorrow, at 7:45, my husband, sister, & I will be out in the freezing cold weather, about to run our legs off {if they don’t freeze off before then}.

I’m sure you can tell I’m excited about the event?


To be honest, I am always more excited when I’m out with the awesome crowds and actually running. When I’m home in bed and my alarm goes off at 6-something…oh no. The only thing I want to do is turn off the beeping {actually, my alarm sound is a rooster. I like pretending I live on a farm.} and forget about the registration fee I paid.

Jonathan is pushing Anna Grace & Nate in the jogging stroller during the run. You know I will have them bundled up like we’re in the arctic. I’m a mom, after all.

I will most likely take pictures of the event. At least with my phone so I can instagram some moments. {follow me at @BrownSugarToast!}

So, tomorrow, as you wake up…think of me. If you sleep in late enough, I might even be done by the time you get out of your warm and toasty bed.

My Dad {who just completed his 23rd marathon last Saturday} has this quote he loves that goes like this:


Yeah. That pretty much sums up why I’m doing this.





6 responses to “On Your Mark, Get Set…”

  1. Jessica Y Avatar

    Take a pic of Dave for me! I’ll be there to see him cross the finish line, but that is about it.

  2. Being there at the finish is huge!!! If I see him, I will instagram him for ya. But my guess is he will be several miles in front of me. Haha:)

  3. Congratulations on running your marathon. It will be so much fun to run with your family members. This is something I thought I would never consider for myself but since taking up aerobics classes and after gaining strength I have actually been thinking about running a marathon someday.

  4. Go Christa and Sarah (and Jonathan)! My sis and I are doing a race (not QUITE that long) in a few weeks. Should be memorable. And hilly. Very hilly.

    Hope your kids enjoy the scenery!

    We enjoyed seeing your in-laws at a missions conference last week. Oh, and Harold and Marylou Tuckness send their greetings to Jonathan.

    Happy running. 🙂

  5. Woohoo!!! And now it’s done! Praying you all get good rest tonight. As in especially the precious cheerleaders. 🙂

  6. Thanks so much, Andrea! Hope your race goes so well too – it will be a great memory, I’m sure. 🙂