In July, Christianity Today published an article by E. L. Sherene Joseph titled “Is God Calling Me to Obscurity or Influence?”
I appreciate how this article helped me delve into this topic, and I resonate with the author’s point that “the true measure of success is not a follower count or sales record but our depth of fidelity to God.”
But I must admit that I have problems with the question itself. As my Dad often said when I was growing up:
“If you ask the wrong question,
— My Dad
you’ll get the wrong answer.”
Asking whether God is calling me to a life of obscurity or influence focuses on something largely out of my control. This question positions the spotlight not on the work itself or on the God who gave me this work, but on other people’s responses to my work.
Is Obscurity Better than Influence?
Obscurity seems to be on the rise in our society, perhaps a whiplash against the rise of “influencers” and mega-churches. But in defense of influence, remember that God has called us to let our light shine (Matthew 5:16). Rather than hiding our light under a basket in the name of obscurity, we should faithfully and boldly live out the Gospel in every way God calls us to, letting him dictate how far those beams radiate.
Perhaps God called you to influence in a specific way, but you refused because it felt too vulnerable. Maybe you said no to an opportunity not out of obedience to God but out of a desire for self-protection. What you want to disguise as humility may, in fact, be fear, pride, or disobedience. How can you know the difference? Talk to God about it. Ask him to show and lead you. Don’t depend on your own understanding, but trust the Lord with everything inside you and he will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Popularity Doesn’t Equal Faithfulness
Internet presence and popularity do not equal faithfulness and obedience. Jesus was not on the internet. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be a TikTok sensation if he were born today—maybe he would—but I wonder if we unconsciously assume that unless a person has an internet presence they aren’t doing anything worthwhile. This again ignores the question of being faithful to whatever God has called us to do in the way he’s called us to do it. Just because someone doesn’t exist on the internet doesn’t mean their light for Christ shines any less brightly or potently than the most-followed Christian influencer. We don’t need to pit one against the other.
You’re Called to Both Obscurity & Influence
The real truth is that we don’t get to choose lives of obscurity or influence. There are ways God has called you to serve that nobody will ever see, and there are people God has called you to influence for him. He’s planned out all the good works you do, so you don’t need to fret as if it’s all up to you. “We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
The Question You Need to Ask
Instead of asking whether God wants you to be obscure or influential, here’s the question you should ask:
“God, what do you want me to do today?”
And then follow that up with this prayer,
“Help me to be faithful to obey your will, whether it leads to obscurity or influence, earthly blessing or persecution.”
That’s my prayer today. I hope it’s yours too.