Brown Sugar Toast Christmas in pictures 2013

my Christmas in pictures

I hope you all had a merry Christmas? I certainly did. I was so, so excited to spend extra time with my little family!

Our Christmas vacation started out a bit rough…landing Nate in the doctor’s office for a sick visit on Christmas Eve! This gave me a whole new appreciation for doctors and nurses who need to work during the holidays. Thankfully, we were able to get some meds for Nate and he seems to be doing a lot better. I thought it would be fun to share my Christmas in pictures so you can get a little peek into our family celebration. All these pics were taken with my husband’s phone, so they aren’t stellar quality.
But you get the general idea…fuzziness, chopped off heads and all. 🙂

Brown Sugar Toast Christmas in pictures 2013This was the first time Anna Grace sang in front of a large crowd. And I admit to being completely biased, but she did a great job. She sang Away in a Manger so beautifully…we were proud of her and I think she’s still basking in her 5 minutes of fame.

And as far as the pizza on Christmas Day – it didn’t actually happen. Because someone didn’t plan very well and didn’t have enough FLOUR to make the crust. {that would be me.} So we had stuffed shells {one of my freezer meals} and made pizza the next day. Let me just tell you – it was delish. We made 4 different kinds…some of them had crazy toppings we had never attempted before, but they were oh-so-good. I’m already looking forward to this tradition for next year too. Good thing we can have pizza in the meantime…

So, how about your Christmas? Any new traditions started? Or broken? Do tell!





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2 responses to “my Christmas in pictures”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    I think pizza on Christmas day is a great idea. Who wants to put a big meal together and miss out on the festivities? When my family gets together for Christmas dinner, it’s always a Mexican food pot luck.

  2. Christa Avatar

    oh yum, Jessica! we love mexican food too. sounds delish!