March 2015 :: CHECK!

Hey, guess what? March 2015 is history.

Happy April 1st! Woot! April Fool’s Day…are you fooling anyone? I know I’ve tried to pull the wool over your eyes in the past, but this year, I just decided to be boring and do my March recap. I know, I know…I must be getting old or something.

But, I did have fun reviewing the March happenings around here! Here’s what went down this month on ye olde blog:

Let’s Talk About My Family :: on personal pictures & where to find them


My New Pallet Shelf :: still loving this guy & the character it brings to my home.

pallet shelf3

Friday Faves :: including this 7 minute workout that Jonathan & I still use.

7 minute workout

excuse me? who is that handsome dude down there?

oh, hey honey!
he’s mine. I like him.

Breaking Rules :: my updated about page & why I decided not to do it like the experts told me to.


That Time I Almost Died :: no, really.


Friday Faves :: & why I hate Target


Treasure :: longest title ever award.


Friday Faves :: & why I now want my own ‘office space’


The Most Important Thing a Mom Can Do :: this is my heart.

the most important thing

Dwelling Richly :: meditate with me, won’t you?

dwelling richly

7 resources I use, love, and recommend :: along with some other recommendations in the comments!

favorite bible study resources

#dwellingrichly :: a campaign to encourage each other as we meditate on the Word

#dwellingrichly // a community of sharing our meditations from God's Word

As an example, this is what I uploaded to instagram last week using the ‘dwellingrichly’ hashtag:


My desire is that this will be a way to encourage each other to get IN and meditate ON the Word. That our minds will become so permeated with God’s Word that it flows from our thoughts even when we see ‘unrelated’ things in life – like plants. Or food. Or accidents, kids, blessings, trials, etc. That in everything we would be drawn to think about God and His Word.

So, March is a wrap! Join me here on Friday for Friday Faves & our first link-up! Can’t wait to see what you share!





2 responses to “March 2015 :: CHECK!”

  1. Sarah who looks like Joel Avatar
    Sarah who looks like Joel

    I thought you were saying Jumping Jack was the handsome dude at first. I was about to look for another exercise app for you that wouldn’t compromise your marriage.

  2. Christa Avatar

    LOL!!! Well, now that you mention it… 😉 KIDDING. No, definitely speaking of the real man. 🙂