Lookie Here!

My little man arrived on Saturday at 4:19pm.

He weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 20″ long.

I am in love…


I hope to share his birth story and more pictures this week. Which, by the way, this week will be more of a “family week.” ๐Ÿ™‚

This little Buster is the main thing happening in my life right now. He is my BIG home improvement project!! ๐Ÿ˜‰






10 responses to “Lookie Here!”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    Ahhhhh!!!! He’s SO CUTE!!! And you look great mom! ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratualtions! I haven’t been able to get on fb since you’ve had him but I hope to later this week when I stop in at Dad and Mom’s. Love you and praying for you! Love, Jennifer

  2. Mary @ Redo 101 Avatar

    Love, love, love!!!

  3. Carrie Avatar

    Congratulations! He’s precious!!

  4. becky Avatar

    Soo precious! What a sweet picture of you with your loveable little guy. You look wonderful, Christa! We are soo happy for you.

  5. Christina Avatar

    Awww – congratulations!! Can’t wait for more pictures, birth story, and family week! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Enjoy your little home improvement project!

  6. Cora Avatar

    Awww, Christa you look amazing with your new bundle of joy! Enjoy being a new mom all over again. So precious!

  7. Abby Avatar

    Congratulations Christa! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Laine Chambers Avatar

    Oh wow!! Congratulations! SO happy for you! Cannot wait to hear his birth story and see more pictures!

  9. Jenny Avatar

    Woohoo!! Congratulations! He is absolutely precious & gosh, are you sure you just delivered a baby…you look outstanding! Can’t wait to hear more! Hugs & prayers to you all!

  10. Renee @ Living, Laughing, & Loving Avatar

    Aw! He is precious and you look AMAZING!!! Congrats on your little man!!! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!!