Links to Think

friday favesA few of my favorite links I discovered this past week:

links to think


1. You’re more beautiful than you think – a 3 minute video detailing an experiment Dove conducted. While it certainly is not a Biblical perspective and so it cannot end with Biblical results, this is worth your watching and then reflecting on with Biblical passages such as Psalm 139.

2. Give Books a Chance – Some picture books I’m looking forward to checking out with my kiddos. Today, in fact, we are heading to the library. Happy day!

3. Pinch that Basil – Growing basil like me? Check this short article out on where to pinch.

4. Curling Iron Jobs – this link won’t make you think that deeply, but it was helpful to me! which curling iron should you use for the look you want? find out here.

5. Female Body Issues – Going along with the Dove video, this article details 9 things you should know about female body issues. Have a daughter? Read this!

6. 6 Responses to the Boston tragedy – addressed to parents, but applicable to all. a sensitive & thoughtful approach to the horrific events on Monday.


This afternoon, I’m heading out to a ladies retreat with some friends from church. It’s only 1 night, but I’m looking forward to a special time of fellowship and time in the Word. Oh and you know, the fact that I don’t need to cook for a day? Yeah – I think I’ll be able to handle that…

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 





