Links I Love

links i love.8.23.13

  1. Yes, I realize this website is written in Polish. But the food photography is gorgeous. And I have a feeling the recipes are pretty delish as well.
  2. Emily from Jones Design Company has me wanting to paint with watercolor. I’ve added her recommended items to my wish list on amazon, so that’s a start, right?
  3. Are you a Momma with 1 or 2 kids? Here’s a reminder for you when you feel like you can’t do it anymore.
  4. If you take pics with your phone {and especially if you have a smartphone}, check out this news clip about how to protect your privacy. Eye-opening.
  5. Estimated cost of raising a child for 18 years? $241,080. This article {written by my fave guy} discusses the implications of this research from a Christian perspective.

Happy weekend, my friends! Hope it’s lovely!




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4 responses to “Links I Love”

  1. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker Avatar

    wow, those watercolors are gorgeous!

    And you didn’t know you had to be practically a millionaire to raise 2 (or 3) kids did you?? 🙂 I don’t think they account for finding their entire wardrobes at yard sales and thrift stores, and saying NO to everything the kids point out that they want at the store in that article 🙂 Can’t even imagine! 🙂

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Love the post for mommies of 2 littles. Encouraged me and made me laugh. Both appreciated!

  3. Christa Avatar

    encouragement & humor = definitely a good combination. 😀

  4. Christa Avatar

    yeah, I’m guessing medical + schooling costs are the bulk of that estimated figure, but besides that…I’m not sure where all the $ is going?!?!