Let it Snow! {faux snowflakes}

Since it’s not anywhere close to *cold* here in North Carolina, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

It all started with these foam snowflakes I found at the Dollar Tree. I got them 2 years ago, so I can’t remember exactly how many were in each pack. I think it was like 6 in a pack for $1? I snagged 2 packs.

And then I just cut off several big lengths of white thread and tied them around the snowflakes.

Of course, I always use materials that are hard to find {cardboard box, anyone?}, so I decided to do the same thing with these guys. I had planned to use sticky tack to hang them from the ceiling in Anna Grace’s room but the only sticky tack I found was really old and dry.

Since it wasn’t worth a trip out to the store, so I just used little pieces of scotch tape and hung the flakery around somewhat randomly.

Here it is with a nice spring branch in the background:

I took these pics yesterday after church while Jonathan was reading to Anna Grace & thought this little moment was too precious not to share…

*melts my heart*

While I was browsing the internet this weekend, I noticed this beautiful picture from The Land of Nod.

I guess great minds think alike?
Only my mind is just a wee bit cheaper.

Merry DIY-ing to you!





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2 responses to “Let it Snow! {faux snowflakes}”

  1. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker Avatar

    aww – they are so cute! and I bet Anna Grace loves having them in her room ๐Ÿ™‚

    I want to see her whole room – it looks so cute! ๐Ÿ™‚ I remember the sprig tree but I thought you had that in your last house although maybe you did it again in this house.

  2. Christa Avatar

    thanks! I’ve thought about doing a whole house movie thing. lol. and this is the only home where I’ve painted a branch on the wall. ๐Ÿ˜‰