31 Day Simplify Series :: leave it empty {day 4}

simple series // BrownSugarToast.com

Sometimes we over complicate things. And we don’t realize it until we see something uncomplicated. And then we’re like, “aaaaahhhh…I can breathe.”

Take this picture for example:

simple table

pinned here via Design Sponge

It looks lovely, doesn’t it? Did you notice the table decor in that picture?

Um. nothing.

Sometimes, I fiddle and faddle with what to put on my table. And sometimes I should really just leave it empty. {And I’m pretty sure my husband would say a hearty amen to that statement.}

Do I have something against table decor? Maybe I do.

Leaving spaces empty just gives a visual breather. If every surface is littered with things, there’s no chance to let your eyes rest.

Today, look around your home. Are surfaces filled with things? Sometimes it’s a good idea to empty the surfaces – and leave it like that for a few days – just to see what it feels like. Who knows? You might love the new look.

Full disclosure: at this very moment, I have a pumpkin candle holder sitting on my table. I like it. I’m planning to leave it there. But maybe one day I’ll get brave and let me table be un-decor-ated. 

This post is part of the 31 day Simplify Series.
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 Simplify Series // a 31 day journey via BrownSugarToast.com



