Day 6 :: Learning Contentment

Continuing in our 31 Days of Building your Marriage series, here’s some wise advice from a wife of over 35 years:

“The thing that comes to mind as the most significant factor in our marriage is the growth we have made in contentment.
When we were first married I had great dreams and expectations and they revolved around me –
what I would experience,
what I would own,
and what I would receive in the area of love and care that would make me happy.

After 37 years of marriage and rearing 4 sons we have been reminded again and again that lasting happiness in marriage and parenting doesn’t come from “getting”.
It comes from “giving” –  with no expectations of return or recognition.
It is always more blessed to give than to receive.
We are reminded daily that contentment with God’s plan for our family and home is God’s greatest gift and treasure.”

~ marriage advice from Virginia, married 37 years ~

How’s your “contentment factor” in marriage?

One thing I have learned…many times I become discontent because I’m focused on what my husband should be doing for me rather than loving and doing for him. That’s why I put that “giving” part in bold.

True love is giving with no expectation of return or recognition. 

How can you show true love to your spouse today?

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4 responses to “Day 6 :: Learning Contentment”

  1. […] Day 2: Building in Vain Day 3: Marriage Basics Day 4: A Big Job Day 5: Attention, Please!! Day 6: Learning Contentment Day 7: Good Medicine Day 8: Excellent Communication Day 9: Built Up Day 10: Seasons of Life Day 11: […]

  2. Jill Avatar

    These are exactly the words I needed to hear today. Another gentle reminder from the Lord that it’s not all about me. 🙂 Thank you.

  3. Jennifer Avatar

    Thank you so much for posting this Christa it’s excellent advise and this book is on my must read list!!

  4. Christa Avatar

    Oh goodness…and I need this reminder every. single. day. Thankful for the Lord’s patience in teaching me!