In Honor of Fall…

What better way to celebrate Fall than with the creation of one of the season’s finest foods?

What, you may be asking, is this fine food I speak of?

It comes from these:

and looks like this:


And for best results, you should make it with friend like this:

and drool over it like this:

We used this pie crust recipe and this recipe for the filling.

Both were delicious. In fact, I’ve used the pie crust recipe since we made this apple pie to make a cherry pie. So yummy.

Have you made any apple desserts lately? Fall is a perfect time for baking! It warms the house & instantly provides a homey scent (unless, of course, you burn something).

But I never do things like that, right? 😉


6 responses to “In Honor of Fall…”

  1. Looks absolutely delicious, and even better to share with friends! We made an apple crisp recently. Next on my list: an apple pie and an apple cake. Thanks for sharing the deliciousness.


  2. Susanna Hindman Avatar
    Susanna Hindman

    Here are my recent apple adventures. Just made a pie last night too! 🙂

  3. It looks so good:). From now until December, it is so hard to eat healthy. All I want to eat is comfort food right now.

  4. Mmmm…if you come visit me, I’ll make you one… 🙂

  5. sooo true!! after I had my little girl, I made myself throw or give sweets away that people gave us at Christmas time. I knew I would eat them otherwise & my hubby isn’t a big fan of them. I’m guessing I’ll have to revert to that again this Christmas… 😛

  6. so yummy!!! I love Ali’s little apple hairclip!!!