Ideals VS. Reality

Yesterday was one of those days.

You ever had one?

I was supposed to meet a friend for a book study in the morning. I was definitely looking forward to an extended conversation with an adult.

As it turned out, my little girl decided she wasn’t going to take a morning nap. No; instead she would cry and scream. {teething again, maybe?}

Via majhost

As you can imagine, that provided a great atmosphere for a book study and conversation. 😉

Last night I read an article over at Treasure in Clay that really helped me put things back in focus. It’s about “Dealing with the Tensions between Your Ideals and Your Reality.”

I now add that article to your recommended reading list. ha:)

If you’ve ever had one of those days (or think there might be one in your future), this article might help you to deal with it a little better than I dealt with mine.



p.s. Treasure in Clay is a blog written by my very own husband. I like him. A lot.
And you will like this article. A lot. 🙂






2 responses to “Ideals VS. Reality”

  1. Chrissy Avatar

    I know exactly how you feel as I am having one of those weeks. :)Thanks for posting this is; it was encouraging to me too.

  2. Becky Avatar

    Very encouraging! Thank you!