I Climbed a Mountain

I climbed a mountain. It’s the largest one known to man. {Or should I say woman?}

There’s nothing worse than several loads of laundry all piled up and waiting to be folded. I take that back. There are many things worse than that.

{p.s. Do you know how to make your laundry disappear in 20 seconds? Put it back in your dryer. Not that I’ve ever tested this theory. But a good friend of mine told me that she tried it out before hosting a Bible study at her home. Mount Laundry on your floor? Just give me…ahem…my friend…20 seconds and all of it will magically disappear.}

Yesterday, I found myself in this situation. A big mountain of laundry in front of me.

It’s amazing all the things I get done while procrastinating.

I’m thankful for mountains of laundry, though. It means we have clothes. More than just one pair for each of us.

I’m also extremely thankful for washers and dryers. Whoever invented them? Blessings on your head.

I thought about taking a picture of all my folded laundry so you would know that, yes, I did indeed fold it all. However, I wouldn’t be able to hide all the unmentionables quite so well in stacks, so…just take my word for it: I conquered Mt. Laundry.

That’s my blessing in disguise for today. What are you thankful for?

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4 responses to “I Climbed a Mountain”

  1. Chelo Beazley Avatar

    Back in the states, laundry days were often “challenging” for me to conquer 🙂 I’m enjoying reading how the Lord helps you have a different perspective.

    It’s a daily challenge for me to look for things to be thankful. And they abound.

    PS> we don’t own either a washer or dryer(or hot water) on the island (i miss that) so we drop off laundry at the laundry mat. We pick it up nicely folded. Earlier, when we first arrived on the island, I was really disappointed that we couldn’t find good deal on the washer/dryer but it turns out it’s way cheaper for us to outsource it.

    All I have to do is put the clothes away.

  2. Christa Avatar

    Wow. That would be an adjustment! Hooray for being able to outsource your laundry! I’m sure the Lord gives you many other opportunities to look for blessings in disguise. 😀

  3. Christina Avatar

    I conquered that mountain this week too – I think I hadn’t folded laundry since I began writing 31 days so it was a big, BIG mountain! I procrastinate on that household chore so well!

    And I want Chelo’s laundry system – so jealous! 😉

  4. Christina Avatar

    Ooohh, wonder if it is cheaper for me to “outsource” my laundry here in the states?? 🙂 LOL! I wish! 🙂