I Can Do It All

I can do it all.

And if you read my post entitled “I Can’t Do It All,” you can now be assured that I’ve completely lost my mind.

Allow me to explain.

I’ve had these posts planned (in my head, at least) for months. And I wanted to do them back to back. In fact, I originally intended to write them both during the same week. As it is, they’ll be posted several months apart. (If you wonder why, refer to this post.)

Previously, I explained that not only am I unable to do everything, I shouldn’t try to do everything. Instead, with the aid of God’s Word, prayer, and counsel from people He’s placed in my life (namely, my husband), I must focus on what is most important for me during each particular season of life. Then strive to do those most important things to the very best of my ability and leave other items untouched for the present time.

Why, then, do I come back with the most confusing post title of “I Can Do It All,” you ask? Why indeed.

It is because of this:

While I can’t do it all –
(“all” being defined as pursuing every single activity in the entire world.
Or every single thing my neighbor, friend, relative, fellow church member, or anonymous internet person is doing)
I can do it all.
(“all” being defined as everything God wants me to do.)

I can’t do it all. But I can do all that God wants me to do. So, in essence, I can do it all.

How do you discern what God wants you to do? It is vital to step back and take a look at the things (and people) God has providentially placed in your life during this current season. Consider your responsibilities, desires, and resources. Pray. Talk with your spouse and/or other wise counselors He has placed in your life. Are you focusing on the most important things for this current season of life? Is there something you’re neglecting that you should be doing? Is there something you’re doing that is really not important for this season? Should you increase or decrease your time in any activity?

Once you have prayerfully considered and answered these questions for your season, then take that list of responsibilities and desires and run with them! Do those tasks with joy, knowing you are fulfilling what God has for you to do during your season. When you see another person doing something you wish you could do, pray about it. Give that desire to God. Maybe He’s going to grow that desire and have you pursue that interest during a future season of your life. Or maybe He wants you to be a cheerleader for your friend as she fulfills the task God has given her. Either way, leave the future to God and stay focused on what He has for you now. Learn to take joy in the tasks God has graciously allowed you to complete.

There is no room for defeat when you are doing what God wants you to do!

I Can’t Do It All







One response to “I Can Do It All”

  1. Naomi Avatar

    Yes! One of my favorite Elizabeth Elliot quotes is “there is always time to do the will of God.” I keep it on my fridge bc I need the reminder often. Remembering this helps me to more easily filter through my daily activities and helps keep me on track. It also helps me when curve balls get thrown my way and I can’t accomplish what I initially thought was God’s will for my day. There is so much rest in this.